Chapter 70, "If only"

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I woke up with chills still flowing through my body. I don't know what Jonah did to me but from now on, things are definitely going to be taken lightly. I feel a little better now though after helping Jayda cook breakfast and everything. After we were done eating, her, Corbyn and Jade went outside or some, Niall went back to his room. Louis and Eleanor are out along with Liam and Maya and Harry, Z'Jack, and Zayn along with the kids have been gone since earlier so yeah...

Now I'm about to head out with Jonah...

I don't know where we're going or what to wear so I just decided on some jean shorts and a black cropped shirt with my adidas from Louis. Pretty simple fit is you ask me, and then it's hot outside so we're all good.

After I got out the shower and got dressed I headed in the living room and found Daniel relaxing on the couch.

"Jonah will be down in a sec, he's probably fixing his hair," he grinned.

"It's fine, what are you up to today? I mean everyone's either out or doing some..."

"I'm going to write some songs and watch tv.... my girlfriend will be in town soon so I'm just laying low until she arrives."

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend," I laughed.

"Yeah... we all- well yeah..."

"Um...." I started but Jonah had already lunged down the stairs .

He had on some black jeans, a white shirt and his favorite black leather jacket. My type of style.

"Kara you look beautiful," he smiled.

"You look sexy," I smirked, wiping the invisible drool from the side of my mouth.

"Get a room," Daniel scoffed.

"You ready?" Jonah chuckled.


We walked out the door and to his car.

"I have to blindfold you," he smiled, pulling out the black eye cover.

"I'm into some kinky stuff but not covering up my eyes," I nodded in disagreement.


"Fine," I sighed, letting him cover up my sight with a piece of cloth.

About 20 minutes later, I felt the car stop and I'm assuming we were at his mystery place. It better not be anywhere stupid or to eat because I'm tired of food.

He got of the car and helped me out next.

"Jonah this is ridiculous," I sighed.

"Stop complaining, I'm about to take it off."


I grabbed on to his arm and walked with him where he lead us. I had on shoes but that doesn't mean I didn't feel some weird texture on my legs. Even the sun beamed down on me.. just as the wind blew.

We're outside.

"Okay I'm going to remove it but I want you to close your eyes until I say open them."

I nodded and did as he said, shutting my eyes while he removed the blindfold. When it was off, I stood with my hands behind my back patiently waiting for his go words.

"Okay baby, you can open them," he ordered.

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes and seeing one of the most beautiful sights to ever witness.

"Is this a beach?" I smiled.

"Botany Bay," he nodded.

"I've never seen this before, it's so beautiful," I gushed, taking in the view again.

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