Chapter 67, "Baby..."

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It's been 3 days since the whole band moved in with us. Things have been going great, we've all just been settling in to the new adjustment you know. Everyone gets along great, some more than others but we're not going to get into that.

Zj really has gotten comfortable with playing around with Jonah. Those two run around the house like they own it or something but it's really cute. Zayn and I have barely spoken 2 words to each other and he just keeps confusing me and I'm not here for it.

Currently we're all at the table finishing up dinner that Corbyn and Jayda cooked. I walked in on them early and them burgers weren't the only thing that was getting heated but that's my girl. Jkjkkj

"Goodnight guys, thanks Jayda," I smiled before getting up from the table.

Everyone cleaned up too and headed off into there rooms. Zayn gave ZJ a bath and brought him back to me about a hour later.

"I'm sorry, you know," Zayn sighed, handing him off in my arms.


"You know...."

"Do I? I really don't know anything anymore Zayn," I shrugged, bouncing ZJ on my hip.

"I'm sorry that I can't be what you need," he shrugged.

"First off I didn't ask you to be anything but even though I've said it a thousand times, you still don't hear that part. It's fine, we're doing really great like this so let's just keep it this way."

"Do you still love me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him for asking me that dumb ass question. I rolled my eyes, "Fucking obviously."

"I still love you too, I'll always love you," he smiled.

"Duh, same here. I thought that was established which is why I don't know understand why you pushed me away."

"Because you deserve better than what I can give you baby."

"Don't call me baby Zayn. You're my baby, I'm not you're baby."

"You'll always be my baby. I said you were mine, and I meant that shit," he barked.

"Somebody had a little too much wine in their system," I laughed. I really didn't mean to but he's fucking joking right?

"I love you with everything in me and I want you to be happy but I can't see you with anyone else but I want you to be happier with someone else," he stated leaving me just as confused as I was before.

"Zayn, you make no sense.You can't have me waiting around for you dude. I'm not going to do that anymore."

"I know," he sighed, "I fucking know."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want you, I'll always want you. But you know if we get back together right now, it just won't be right. Yes I like how things are going with the co parenting but I fucking miss you in ways I can't even explain. I just don't want to lose you, ever."

"And you won't lose me," I assured.

"We'll figure this out baby, we have to. I don't want to be with anyone other than you. Okay? I promise, I'll get it together and figure out what I have to and then I'll be the best I can be for you," he stated, looking me dead in my eyes.

"Okay," I agreed. I didn't even expect myself to fall into his spell but that's exactly what I did.

"Goodnight," he smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead then kissing a sleeping ZJ in my arms.

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