Chapter 66, "Moving in?"

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Later that day.....

Harry, Jayda, Zayn and I have been drinking for the past few hours. Just wine, nothing to chabby. The boys left a while ago because they had a meeting with management or something but they're really great music artists and they definitely have it in the bag.

"Time to call it a night," Harry sighed.

"It really is, I need to get the kids to bed," Jayda agreed.

"Yeah the kids," I nodded.

"I'll go get ZJ," Zayn said running up the steps.

"Goodnight bros," I said, heading off to the room.

I threw on some shorts and by the time I was about to grab a shirt, Zayn walked in with ZJ in his arms.

"Sorry," he whispered, laying ZJ down.

I rolled my eyes and put on the black t shirt. He's really going to apologize and act like he hasn't seen me naked multiple times.

"Can we go to my room and talk?" he asked.

"Uh... yeah...?"

I followed him down the hall into the bedroom he's been in for a while now. He's barely in there really but you know. Once we made it to his room he shut the door behind us and I just made my way and sat on the bed.

"Wassup?" I sighed.

"I think we should have the talk," he said, taking a seat next to me.

"Um isn't it a little too late for that?" I laughed.

"No not that talk," he laughed, "Us."

"What about us?"

"Maybe this is the alcohol talking but you were definitely flirting. And yeah we aren't together but I didn't like seeing that."

"First, I wasn't flirting because whether you want to believe it or not I was being respectful."

"I mean there's no problem if you were and I'm not trying to make it one but..."

"Then what are you saying Malik?"

"If we're really over, or done... then it's okay if we move on.... for real," he sighed like he didn't really want to say it.

"Zayn... you were the one who called it quits. I had no part in that so stop sugar coating it and just tell me what you're trying to say."

"I don't want to feel like I'm holding you back from anything or anyone so if you want to declare us moving on.... by all means Kara."

"Zayn, fine whatever," I said, leaving the room.

One minute he acts like... then.... but I guess it is time to move on because he didn't follow me..

The next day...

"Hey girl," Jayda smiled as I walked in the kitchen. Her, Maya, and Eleanor were sitting at the table writing or something, hell I can't see.

"Hey y'all," I sighed, taking a seat.

"Hey, you like tired or stressed... everything okay?" Maya asked.

"Nope, I barely got any sleep because of Zayn... he's so freaking annoying," I sighed.

"Urggg," Jayda retorted.

"Not like that, last night he basically told me to move on, something about he doesn't want to hold me back and blah blah."

"Oh god," Jayda sighed, shaking her head.

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