Chapter 23, "Moving in"

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Zayn's POV

Today was finally the day we were moving in with the rest of the gang. 3 days later and now we're ready.

"Bubba I can't believe we're saying goodbye to our house?" Kara sniffed.

"It'll still be here, we just won't," I smiled. "I hope you're not having second thoughts?"

"Hell no," she laughed. "You're right the house will still be here."

I let out a laugh as she spun into my arms. These last 3 days we've literally turned our phones off and just enjoyed each other's company. We haven't went to work or anything, it's just been us.

We've talked about a lot of stuff including our future, back up plans and all of that and I really feel better about our whole relationship. She's not going anywhere and neither am I. What we went through has somehow made us stronger.

"Kiss me, kiss me," she smiled. I smiled giving her multiple nice pecks to the lips.

Oh yeah she's been acting like a total baby....

The kiss got a little aggressive and she started tugging at my clothes like she wanted it.

"Mhm," she nodded.

I was about to remove her sweater when the doorbell rang.

"Saved by the bell," I grinned.

I walked to the door answering it and finding about 4 delivery guys and the truck.

"What's up guys, um all the boxes are down this hall,"I pointed.

"Okay," one of them nodded, entering the house followed by the others.

Kara and I stood in the kitchen and relaxed until the guys were done. It only took about 30 minutes and that was it, all packed up.

"Time to say goodbye," I sighed.

"Just one moment," she said, raising her hand up. I looked at her face and she had full blown tears coming out her eyes.

"Kara stop," I said, wiping them away. The house is literally still ours, she's so dramatic.

"Okay I'm ready," she sniffed.

We walked out the door and and got into separate cars considering we had to drive all 5 of them down the street. The other deliver people had to drive some too leaving only one man with the truck.

Luckily we weren't too far so we all arrived pretty quickly.

I parked and got out the car followed by Kara and the other guys. We walked up to the door and rung the doorbell.

Harry was the one to answer and he quickly threw me into a hug. Not the usual hug, a hug I knew he needed.

"Kara," he said, hugging her next.

"You good bro?" I asked.

"Yeah," he lied. I wasn't going to push the issue right not but he just wait until these people finish bringing the stuff in.

Kara and I greeted everyone else in the house while Harry helped the delivery guys move everything into our room.

About a hour or so later..... we were all set in our new family home.

"So how have you guys been?" Louis asked.

"Actually we've been okay," Kara smiled gaining surprising looks from everyone.

"It's true," I added.

"How have you guys been?" Kara asked. "Where's Jayda?"

They all looked over at Harry like they were waiting for him to say something.

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