Chapter 62, "Happy Birthday Harry"

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The next day...

Kara's POV

Jayda woke up and we had a nice and enduring conversation. She's hurting so fucking bad and I wish I can take her pain away because once again she doesn't deserve that. But, Maybe she's right about Zayn and I still having a chance but we all know I'm not about to get my hopes up.


"Now go before it's too late," Jayda said.

I gave her one last long hug before running out of the room to find Zayn. I can't raise this baby alone nor do I want to but yes there is a fight chancing.

I ran to the deck of the boat and appeared right in front of him with my shaky nerves.

"Kara?" he asked, trying to see if it was really me.

"Hey Zayn," I said almost choking from my nervousness.

"Are you.... are you okay? Do you need anything?"

I let the silence travel around us just like the wind before I finally decided to say something.

"I need you Zayn."

"I- I.....don't know what to say."

"Maybe that you need me too," I laughed a little.

"I do need you, I'll always need you but-.."

"But you don't want me anymore," I nodded.

"Kara I want what's best for you, and I can't give that to you. I can't be what you need."

"I don't need you to be anything, I'm sorry," I cried, "I never said to be perfect and I'm sorry if I made you feel like you have to be but you don't. I fell in love with you. I don't care who you are."

His expression was blank as his eyes teared up. No words left his mouth and I immediately knew I was just wasting my time. It's over, there's no more trying, there's no more anything. It's just over.

Zayn's POV

The thing is Kara.... I've tried to be perfect for you but I know I can't which just makes me angry at myself. You deserve perfection, something I know I can't give to you which is why I can't make you stay with me. I want nothing more to continue waking up to you ever morning, to see your smile when something small happens, to hear you laugh at stupid stuff, but I can't let you stay with me. I'm bad for you and I've always been. The odds were never against us, it's just me and my fuck ups. You are the absolute love of my life which means I will do anything for you, in this case I'm letting you be happy and get what you deserve even though it's not me. It hurts me to see you in pain right now but I know if we continue this, the pain will be much worse so I have to stop it now, for your sake. I'll always love you and I won't move on, but as for you.. baby please move on. It won't always be this way, it will get better for you...

Is what I wanted to say but you know me... never saying what's on my mind.

"I do love you Kara so don't doubt that," was what I managed to say instead of what I needed to.

"Right, say no more," she nodded, walking away once again.

Harry's POV

After Jayda left the room, I left soon after. My mind clouded with things I could do for her but nothing was right, or worthy. I had forgot today was even my birthday, hell I don't even care. How old am I again?

"Sorry," Kara apologized, bumping into me.

I immediately saw she was trying to hide her face but it's obvious she's been crying. I'm going to kick Zayn's ass because I know she just left from the deck of the boat.

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