Chapter 71, "Who would've thought?"

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I woke up to pounding on the door like the police was here to evict me or something. Jonah was starting to turn and wake up but Z'Jack remained sleep.

I rolled out the bed, not falling, and stumbled to the door. I don't even remember locking it but it sure was locked. I twisted the lock and opened the door to find Zayn gazing into the room.

"Oh shit," I mumbled.

Wake the fuck up Kara!!!!

"Zayn," I said loudly, finally awake.

"I was going to see what you and Z'Jack were doing but then your door was locked..."


Please stay across the room Jonah, please, please, please.

"So what we're you guys doing?" he smiled.

"Um.. we- we were just sleep," I nodded.

"Kara you okay?"

"Yeah are you okay?" Jonah asked, appearing behind me.

What the actual fuck!!!!!! Nooooooooo!!

"And what the fuck are you doing in here?" Zayn spat.

"I was sleep," Jonah stretched, with a grin.

Dude has a death wish...

"Kara tell me you're not fucking him!"

"Zayn, stop. It's-"

"You're fucking dead!"

"Threaten her again," Jonah chuckled.

"Fuck off pretty boy," Zayn scoffed.

"Um, thanks," Jonah shrugged.

I shook my head as the two gave each other serious glares except Zayn was serious and Jonah was grinning.

"We can be causal and talk about this," I sighed.

"Shut the fuck up Kara! You've crossed a line here!" Zayn spat.

"Talk to her like that again," Jonah encouraged.

"Jonah... it's.."

"I'm tired of you," Zayn pointed.

"I think you're the only one," Jonah grinned.

Before I could even say anything Zayn's fist collided with Jonah's jaw. Enough to make him bleed but not enough to make him fall. The blood sprawled down the corner of his mouth and when he felt it, his grin was quickly lost.

"Guys please don't," I said worried for them both but then the unexpected happened.

Jonah moved past me and grabbed Zayn by his clothes pushing him in the hallway until his back hit a wall and knocked down a frame.

"Her baby is in that room dumb dicke, if you want to fight then we can gladly take this outside," Jonah sneered.

"He's my fucking son! You wanna be step daddy so bad! Get the fuck off of me!" Zayn yelled.

"Not until you calm down," Jonah said, slamming him against the wall again.

"Fuck you Jonah!"

I watched in horror as Zayn tried to escape the hold Jonah had on him. The crazy part is how he had his eyes fixated on me. He was going to find out eventually but he shouldn't have found out like this.

"What's going on?" Daniel asked , rushing towards us followed by Harry, Corbyn, and Zach.

"Harry get him off of me now!" Zayn barked.

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