Chapter 65, "Moving on?"

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Kara's POV

I'm currently getting set up for my interview with BigTalk after what seems like forever. This is my least favorite company to do interviews with but yet they keep calling me back. Luckily, they just want to talk about my pregnancy and how everything's going so, we're all good. Z'Jack is right behind the camera with my assistant Kimmy, and boy is he talking up a storm. With his nasty slob.

"You ready?" Dave asked.


I fixed my hair a little more before the person behind the camera held up 3 fingers and counted down until we were live.

"Kara Stevens," Dave chuckled.

"Dave," I chuckled.

"Let me just say congratulations, glad to have you back. Last time you were here there was a different conversation at hand and I'm glad things have looked up since then."

"True," I nodded remembering me talking about my miscarriage last time.

"So tell us about that handsome little boy of yours."

"Z'Jack Javier Malik," I sighed, "My sister Jayda and Zayn are apart of that. Um he was born on Harry's birthday," I laughed.

"Harry Styles?"

"Sadly," I joked, "It was unexpected."

"Yeah I heard about that and I was like what? Weren't you all together on his birthday? On a boat or something?"

"Yes, a yacht. I don't even know what happened. It's a blur but we definitely didn't expect that to happen along with some other things," I sighed.

"From my understanding and knowledge, he was born premature?"

"Yeah, it took him about 4 weeks to be fully developed and I didn't push him out obviously, I had a c section. But he got all the prenatal care he needed in the NICI which is why he's such a healthy baby boy now," I smiled.

"That's so good to hear and he looks just like you," Dave acknowledged, "But that hair, we all know it's Zayn's."

"Definitely," I agreed, "From the walk, to the hair, to the eyelashes. He's got both our features."

"Nice, nice. Everyone's so happy for you."

"I know. The love I get daily is just really nice and sweet. Our lives were hell about a year ago especially for me because I was battling with a lot of different things within myself and the world but when ZJ was born, everything changed. I no longer live for everyone else, I live for him. And I'll never let anyone else strive me away from my power again because I'm his mother and no one can tell me I did anything wrong."

"You are an extraordinary woman and your son will know how lucky he is," Dave smiled.

"Thank you."

"So I don't want to pry..." he started.

But that's exactly what he's about to do...

"The fans want to know about you and Zayn. Everyone wants to know," he finished.

"What is there to know?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Well one minute you were engaged then you announced you guys were parting ways, but then we see pictures of you two out together with your son and it looks a little more than what it is so what's the story there?"

"Um.....well... we were engaged and we did go our separate ways romantically. We have a son together and we've always wanted this so of course we aren't going to let our not being together ruin that and we haven't..."

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