Chapter 20, "I promise"

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Harry and I walked in the room seeing Kara laying in the white hospital bed. This was a sight I didn't expect to see so soon.

"Zaynnn," she smiled. "Harrry.."

"Hey squirm," Harry joked.

"Baby," I said, kissing her forehead. I was too excited she seemed okay.

"Where's everyone else? Niall, Maya Louis, Liam, Eleanor, Jayda, Hendrix, Hannah, Frankie, Amelia?"

"Everyone's out there, everyone's fine," I informed.

"How are you?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I don't know what happened and I can't feel anything. Like literally."

"That's why I called you back here, I need to talk to you guys about what's going on," Dr. Grey frowned.

"Okay," we nodded.

"Well first you're fine now and I'm glad you came in when you did otherwise things would've been worse," she stated.

If everything's fine then why isn't she showing any enthusiasm.

"What about the baby?" I asked.

I saw the change in her face when I mentioned it and there's no fucking way.

"The baby!" I said with a sad and angered tone.

"No, it's not true," Kara said shaking her head with tears filling her eyes. "Where's my baby?"

"Miscarriages can be hard," Dr. Grey sighed.

Miscarriage? What? No?

"No tell me the baby is still inside of me," Kara cried.

The tears flowed down my eye like the water in the Mississippi River. This was the most devastating news ever, even Harry was in tears.

"I'm so sorry," Dr. Grey went on. "We're trying to detect the problem but as far as we know, it happened on its on."

Kara reached for me and I fell into her arms as we cried together.

"I'm going to get everyone. I don't care," Harry said, leaving the room in shock.

The Dr. didn't have any words so I'm guessing she wasn't going to argue with him.

Kara squeezed me tighter than ever. I feel so bad and lost right now and I wish I could take her pain away. The sweetest and most caring person in the world doesn't deserve this.

"The baby Zayn," she cried. "The baby."

Harry's POV

I ran down the hall in full blown tears. I hate this, I hate this. Why did this have to happen to them? Why? It made them so happy and I was excited and now...

I ran out seeing everyone jump up at my presence.

"Harry what's wrong?" Louis questioned.

I tried to get my words out but I could only shake my head. Jayda ran into my arms followed by the kids.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" Hendrix asked with one of the most frightened looks behind his glasses.

"They lost the baby," I muttered out.

It was as if I could feel everyone's heart drop in the room. Tears, and sorrow floated in the air as we pulled one another into a hug.

I contained myself for the kids sakes as we all walked back to Kara's room. Her and Zayn were just as I left them. Devastated.

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