Chapter 34, "Breathe"

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Everything's been smooth and operating every since the events of two weeks ago, Halloween. I've been hitting the studio and working towards this album that's actually going to happen now, and yeah I'm pretty excited.

Things between Kara and I have been casual I guess you could say. We haven't had sex or anything, nor touched due to the fact that she's not moving fast and I'm scared to touch her but we've been communicating with our words more than ever and I feel like that's great since we didn't really do that a lot. Oh and our doctors appointments have been great and she's 6 weeks now.

Niall and Amelia are doing as they always do which is mind their business while still instigating a little but we all seem to make jokes about what happened.

Louis and Eleanor are just being loving and adorable people on top of being a bomb ass parent to Frankie so that's the same oh same oh.

Liam and Maya have moved past everything that happened and are at their best I think. They definitely are active if you know what I mean....

Jayda and Harry are really trying and it's actually working out pretty great in my opinion. I don't know the inside scoop because I'm not nosey but they're talking and smiling and hugging so I guess that's a good sign.

Oh yeah and episodes of the Tv show have started releasing and the season premiere just aired yesterday. I know millions of people tuned in but I have distracted myself from their feedback because we all watched it and that shit was chaotic. I didn't even know half of that stuff was recorded but they added the good times and the bad so we were cool with it.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Kara asked.

"Not much," I shrugged.

"Looked like you wanted to fall asleep, want me to drive?"

"I'm not even tired," I laughed, "and no I definitely don't want you to drive."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing," I smiled.

"Mhm, anyways are we almost there?"

"Don't rush, I didn't even want to do this meet and greet."

"Yeah but you'll do anything I tell you to right?" she laughed.

"Fuck no," I said firmly making her frown.

"Where's my hat?"

"What hat?" I sighed.

"Oh wait the cap is on your head."

"That was so fucking lame," I laughed. I didn't even mean to but that was lame ass hell.

We finally arrived at the meet and greet and immediately started to get ambushed by thousands of people. Kara is always fucking lying, she said hundreds not thousands.

"What is this?"

"I guess it's more people than I thought," she shrugged.

Well fucking duh.

We got led to a table where I guess we were gonna sign stuff and talk because they had mics and shit. After we got situated our managers arrived and told us to just interact and engage with the fans because they'd be asking questions.

Just great..

"You okay?" Kara whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's do this."

"Okay we'll start with questions..." the speaker called out. I don't know how many hands flew in the damn air, like how could you have that many questions.

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