Chapter 31, "Please say something baby"

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"Harry I'm fine, you can go," I sighed.

"No. Not until you tell me what happened."

"I think you know..."

"Kara I'm sorry but I have to deal with him and you have to let me."

"No, you can't, the cameras and.."

"I don't care about the cameras, what he did..." he started.

"Can you just be quiet," I said cutting him off as I started to cry, "I love him."

He exhaled before pulling me into a hug. I don't want to continue being hugged up on someone's else's man but here I am... steady fucking up.

There was a sudden knock on the door and it soon opened revealing Jayda.

"Oh sorry..... is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Did you need to...?" I started.

"No I was just coming to let you both know what I was cooking. The kids want chicken, Mac n cheese and mashed potatoes. Any special requests?" she asked.

"No that sounds fine," I replied.

"You're cooking?" Harry asked.

"The kids have to eat, don't they? Alone with everyone else," Jayda replied. He nodded his head firmly while Jayda's eyes observed me, well my neck.

"Kara are you okay?" she asked sincerely.

"Yeah..." I lied.

I'm not okay Jayda, I'm so sorry that I'm ruining everything. I love you and now I've lost you and things will never be the same and I just want to talk to you... god I'm pathetic.

"Don't lie to me. What happened? Everything else can wait," she sighed, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah it was just an altercation with Zayn," I admitted.

With that she left the room, I'm assuming to go talk to him, I don't know but the feeling of her leaving just shattered me. I should be with her, my sister right now seeking comfort, but instead I'm with her husband.

What type of person am I?

"You are pregnant," Harry huffed, "I want to fucking hurt him."

"Well I shouldn't have said what I said to him," I shrugged.

"Don't you dare make excuses, what did you say that could've caused him to fucking be violent?"

"Nothing," I lied. "It's fine and I'm fine."

"Stop doing that! You're not okay and you...."

"I'm what Harry?" I said looking up at him. "I'm a shitty person? Yes. I fucked up? Yes. I'm continuing to fuck up? Yes."

"Stop blaming yourself," he blinked slowly, "stop."

"You can't always protect me from myself you know? It's okay to let me go...."



"No Kara..."

"Harry Styles," I sighed.

"I'm not going to do it..." he said, shaking his head.

"Not going to do what?" I asked but then saw the vulnerable look on his face as his eyes trailed my lips.

"No. No," I said, quickly getting up. "This stops right now!"


"Fix your family. Me and you," I gestured, "Is no more. Fix your family please, make one thing in your life not complicated."

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