The minute Daveed geared the car into park in the garage, Weslie was bursting to get out of her car seat. She was still on a high from her day at school, and was begging to be let out to see her puppies.

They quickly went inside to see their dogs lined up at the door waiting on them. Weslie squealed and was content to play with the dogs until dinner was ready.

A couple hours later, Emmy was setting the table for the three of them to eat together. The night was fading and they were quickly growing tired but not wanting to waste any moment together.

As they were nearly finishing dinner, Emmy noticed Wes' eyes began to droop. She had long finished eating and was just sitting there with her head on her tiny hand.

"Baby girl are you tired?" Emmy asked.

Weslie simply nodded and closed her eyes. Emmy stood to lift her out of the chair and carry her.

"Need any help?" Daveed asked, looking up at where she was standing.

"I got her," Emmy smiled and spoke softly.

"I'll clean up and be up in a minute," he responded.

With that, Emmy slowly climbed the stairs holding her daughter near her chest. As she walked she placed kisses on her forehead, soaking in every little bit of her last few days being a 2 year old.

Emmy flicked on the light to her pink painted bedroom and moved to lay her under the covers. Weslie began to open her eyes at the motion of being put down.

"Hi sweetie," Emmy smiled and kneeled by her beside, "Do you want a story tonight or just go to bed?"

"Story please," she said quietly.

Emmy stood to grab a book from the bookshelf they had built right next to her bed. As she turned, she made contact with Daveed who was looking in from the doorway with a wide smile on his face.

"Joining us for story time?" Emmy asked.

"You already know," Daveed said as he moved to kneel next to Emmy.

Daveed and Emmy read the story to their daughter, splitting up the parts and adding their own adlibs and character voices. Storytime was already such a valued tradition in their home. Every night they told the stories differently, keeping it fun for themselves and Weslie. It was such a small amount of time but it brought them so close as a family.

As they were getting to the last bit of the story, Weslie started to turn and move deeper into her covers. It was evident she was tired so they started wrapping it up.

"Goodnight my munchkin," Emmy said, running her hands through her hair, "5 more sleeps until your birthday!"

"Goodnight Wes," Daveed added, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Daveed and Emmy waited until she was sound asleep to leave her bedroom. They closed the door softly and headed to their room to go to sleep themselves.


Emmy woke up first, her anticipation for this day not letting her sleep any later than 9am. She was spooned in Daveed's arm, his shallow breaths letting her know that he was still sleeping. She turned to where she was face to face with him and began softly saying his name to wake him up.

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