A sound akin to strangulation left his lips before he breathed deeply in and out through his nose.

"Close your eyes son of Hrain. Receive your glimpse of your time yet to come." His voice sounded gravelly, almost as if he had swallowed something thick and paste like.

I did as he told me and felt his hand clamp over my eyes. A feeling of intense pressure on my head began to weigh me down, but it was not actually on my head.

It was as if I was in a dream.

Everything was white.

Estelle was there on the floor. A crown of flowers was placed on her hair, but they were dead. Dry. She wore a golden gown with fae cloak partialky wrapped around her body. The golden gown from what I could see was tattered and soaked in blood. Their was grass all around her but it was charred and curled, burnt.

Then I heard laughter. Snapping my head to the side I saw another familiar face. My father bloodied and battered, laughing hysterically as he asked to join 'her.' Pleading almost.

More noise had me turning away from my father. Alazar was on his knees. His face was buried in his hands. He was sobbing. So hard that he was shaking.

I turned away from him, focusing my attentions on Estelle. She was not moving.

As soon as I tried to make my way over to her, this dream like state I was in, was being ripped away from me. The pressure weighing down my head disappeared along with the Vampyr kings hand.

"What was that," I demanded, grabbing the vampyr kings arm tightly. Estelle severely injured. Alazar sobbing. My father. Was all that supposed to happen at once? Who had harmed my wife and how many people did I have to murder?

The vampire king winced, his pupils slowly transforming back to its original form. "I told you I am not sure. I can tell you those are three separate events in your future but I cannot...you dragons are strong," he commented as I let him go abruptly.

He stood up and wavered in his footing. "King Talon are you alright?"

The nuisance advisor. I forgot about him. It is unfortunate he is here. "I am fine, I just need something a bit sweeter to revive myself. If you would excuse me."

Before I had the chance to question him more about the absurd and almost unbelievable future events to come, he left.

Kill fang king.
Find pretty fae.

My behemoth was under the impression that all of this was to happen now and was on the verge of forcing a shift on his part to hey girl Estelle. It was the future and I would be doing everything in my power for that to not happen. Starting with getting rid of that crimson dragon and having a trained assassin and soldier guarding over. As for Alazar and my father, they would be fine.

I glanced to the Advisor who was nervously sitting in the corner. "Your highness you are not thinking of leaving the meeting early are you? Just from the mouth and mind of a crazed King?"

This was the most he has spoken today...and it was to question and insult another King. "And what if I am? I can leave of my own will. You nor my father dictates how long I shall stay. Are you trying to order me about?" I questioned, watching his eyes widen in fear.

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