5. Entitled To Some Fun

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"Come on, let's dance!" Roxy says excitedly as she drags Hoseok to the dance floor.

It's Thursday night and Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, and Roxy convinced me to join them out for a night of fun. Jungkook's brother, Junghyun, and Jimin's brother, Jihyun, are also meeting up with all of us at a club they chose to go to.

Yoongi and Melina already had plans to have a one-on-one dinner date and some time alone, which I totally respect. They hardly see each other, so they deserve all the time they need to focus on one another. Taehyung, his girlfriend, Yoohyeon, and his siblings had their own plans of family fun. And, Namjoon stayed at the hotel since he did something mild to his back. He's fine, but he's taking it easy so that he can be in his best form during the weekend.

We are currently in a VIP/private section of a club that is safe for the men to go to. Our seating is uniquely hidden from view, which makes it so other club-goers can't easily see the boys. They've been here before. And, with the bodyguards who are necessary for them to bring along, we're all in good hands.

We all mainly just wanted to kick back, have some drinks and dance. Hoseok and Roxy wanted to go out for the purpose of dancing. They both have a shared passion for the art and it'll be nice to see them in their element. Roxy is a little disappointed she can't bring Hoseok on the main dance floor, downstairs. But, they'll make do with the little dance floor reserved for only VIP, which will ensure the men's safety, keeping them from being mobbed by the media and fans. BigHit made sure that when the men go out to enjoy themselves, that the media stay out of their privacy when they're inside establishments.

Fifteen minutes later, Jihyun, Junghyun, and three women they brought along joined us in the private area. I find out that one of the women is actually Jungkook and Junghyun's cousin, Eunji. The two other women are friends she brought along.  Eunji is a year older than Jungkook.

After Jungkook briefly introduces me to the new guests, Eunji and I end up chatting it up and I learn that Eunji is fluent in English. She also shares how she and Jungkook were super close growing up and that she was the only child and Jungkook and Junghyun treated her as their own sister. While she and I are talking about how I was here because my best friend is involved with Yoongi, I noticed several BigHit staff members show up.  Some are back-up dancers and others are from the styling team. Two of them I do recognize- Serim and Kyungsoon, who brought two of their friends, who aren't part of the BigHit staff.

I remember Serim from back in March, when we all went out to this Italian place back in LA. Melina and I thought there was something going on between Jungkook and her, but we all found out that night from Jin's gossiping that Jimin and Serim have known each other since they were in school and that Jimin has had feelings for her back in the day, and it seems like those feelings are coming back. Jin mentioned how she doesn't reciprocate feelings for Jimin but they all assume it's because of the fact that they work together.

"Sarah, Eunji- either of you want anything from the bar?" Junghyun asks both me and his cousin in English.

"I'll have a dry martini," Eunji orders.

Right before you can tell Junghyun what you wanted, Jungkook comes from behind and tackles his big brother and tries to go for the hair.

"Ya! Watch it, Jungkook! Don't touch the hair!" Junghyun yells at his young brother, jokingly. I couldn't help but laugh at the fun, brotherly exchange between Jungkook and Junghyun.

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