3. Flashback to March

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*Warning: Mature Content. Please read at your discretion. 🔞


25/03/21- Flashback in California

It's Thursday night. We were at an Italian restaurant where Hoseok made reservations for a whole giant group. Yoongi had Melina invite me out to have one big dinner with her, Yoongi, and the rest of the guys. It was just a nice gathering to have before the group had to return back home to Seoul in three days. My close friend and Melina's assistant/other bestie, Gabby, and Melina's brother, Jake, were also invited, so the three of us decided to carpool together to the restaurant. Jake volunteered to drive, and neither Gabby and I argued with that. I just wanted to sit back and relax in the back seat after a long day at the office and look through my social media. Melina was with Yoongi, so she planned on meeting up with us there.

Dinner was delicious and the company was great! I was able to converse with different members and some of the BigHit staff who were present. But,  for the most part, Jungkook and I talked most of the night. I was glad he insisted on sitting next to me during dinner.

At first, I thought Jungkook was involved with the staff member sitting on his opposite side, but I observed how Jimin seemed much closer to her. And, Jungkook seemed to be giving me most of his attention. We talked about random topics that we both found interesting. He asked me if I'd been to any of my kickboxing classes lately. I've told him about how I take kickboxing classes, through our texts and phone calls, so I answered him and informed him how I went the previous night and told him how I always find it invigorating. And, he said he couldn't agree more because he feels the same way after he has boxing sessions with his trainer.

Yes, I take kick boxing lessons. I discovered kickboxing back in college. One of my sorority sisters took me to one of her classes, and I was hooked. I found it to be an enjoyable way to stay in shape. Plus, it's also a great way to let out some stress and frustrations! I try to go on Monday and Wednesday evenings and mid-morning on Saturdays. It's something I love to keep in my routine.

Of course, we also talked about another shared interest of ours- art. He was telling me how he's planning on going back to doing some more painting when he finds free time, soon, and I told him how I would love to get back into doing more art, as well.

We just really enjoyed conversing with one another about all sorts of things during dinner, and I didn't want the night to end.

Thankfully, Jungkook felt the same way.

He ended up leaving the Italian restaurant with me, Jake and Gabby. Jake dropped off Jungkook and I first, at my place, since Gabby is closer to him.

Melina just stopped by our shared home to pick up some stuff and went back to the hotel with Yoongi.

It's currently 11pm and I now have the place to myself with Jungkook.

Was I expecting to come back home with the Golden Maknae tonight? Absolutely not! But, here he is. During dinner, he mentioned how he was jealous about a movie night that Melina, Jake and I had, a few days ago, where Yoongi was also present. I actually invited Jungkook, but he declined because he said he already had a prior engagement. When he found out from Melina and Yoongi that we had a Marvel marathon, he texted me saying I should've specified and he would've changed plans, though I know he was probably just kidding! Anyway, needless to say, I invited him over tonight to make up for not being specific about the movie night so that we could at least watch one MCU movie together now.

Twenty minutes into Avengers: Infinity War and Jungkook is on top of me on my sectional couch. He definitely did not come over to watch a superhero movie with me.

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