22. Baby, Please Pick Up!

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Jungkook's 1st Person POV

Shit! This can't be happening.

It's 12:30pm, my time, and I've already called Sarah several times and she has not picked up any of my calls. I know it's around 8:30pm, her time. I know her. She would still be up at this time. She would be awake right now.

What if she already saw those pictures online? Fuck. This is not what I wanted. I care about this woman and I'm already hurting her simply because of my career and the lifestyle that comes with it.

I'm so livid.  Fuck the media. This is bullshit.

I take several breaths to cool down before attempting to call her again.

As I try to call her, I hear a knock on the door of the room I'm occupying in the company headquarters.

I turn my head to the door and see Yoongi and Taehyung peeking their heads in.  I hold a finger up signaling to give me a moment. They both notice I'm on the phone and they quietly enter and grab chairs to sit near me.

After yet another failed attempt of trying to call Sarah, I place my phone on my lap and let out an aggravated sigh out, while staring at the ground.

"Melina called me not too long ago while Tae and I were in my studio," Yoongi says to me.

My head shoots up and I look directly at Yoongi. "She did?! What did she say, Yoongi-hyung?!"

"She said that Sarah saw the leaked photos and didn't take it too well. She said she took her to her bed. She's been crying and told Melina she doesn't feel like she's in the right state of mind to speak to you right now," Yoongi informs me, calmly.

"Give her some time to cool down from all of this. I'm sure she'll hear you out eventually," Taehyung adds on, with a soothing tone.

"I know. Just...fuck! This is why I was so hesitant about starting something with her. I didn't want to hurt her like this, already!" I growl out, frustrated.

"Kook, yes, shit like this happens, but you aren't in the wrong. It's these fucking news outlets. If you care about her, just wait until she's ready to speak to you and you can explain yourself. You have us to vouch for you, just know that," Yoongi tells me, while placing a hand on my shoulder. He continues, "I know you don't want to hurt her in anyway, and you didn't do this intentionally. I know how much you care about Sarah. If I learned anything with the whole Soojin situation, it's that communication is key! Melina and I talked it all out instead of brushing things under the rug. And, I feel like she and I are back to being happy with each other. You deserve that happiness with Sarah if that's what you want. Don't let things like your career or the paparazzi stand in the way and ruin what you have with her."

I nod as I listen to my hyung. He's right. I can't let this stupid issue break something amazing that I just started with Sarah.

We hear a knock on the door and Namjoon slowly opens the door and enters.

"Hi, guys," he greets us while standing between  a seated Taehyung and Yoongi, and facing me.

"Hi, Namjoon-hyung," Taehyung greets him back.

Namjoon looks at me. "Jungkook, if you need me to talk to Sarah, you know I can."

"Hyung, you don't have to," I say to him, calmly.

"But, I want to. What you did for me last night really helped me out. I wasn't expecting Bora to spring a surprise visit on me while I was video chatting with Sooyoung and Moonsik.* If she found out about them, I'm not sure what she would do with that information. I know she's been frustrated that I've been avoiding her. But, anyway, it really means a lot that you swooped in and took her out for bubble tea to distract her." Namjoon finishes speaking and gives me a grateful smile.

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