19. Time to Confess

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Jungkook's 1st Person POV

I am going to confess to Sarah how I feel about her. I am nervous, but I can't deny it anymore. I don't know how she'll react and if the feelings will be mutual. If they're not, it'll hurt but I'll just try my best to accept it.

It's close to midnight for me, so it should be close to 8am, Sarah's time. She's a morning person, and I know she usually gets up somewhat early on Saturdays because that's when she heads to her kickboxing class. I normally text her to see if she's available to call but, I really want to hear her voice and I just need to do this before I talk myself out of it.

I scroll through my phone. I find her contact info and hit the call button.


"Hi, Sarah!"

"Hi! Kook, why are you calling me so late, your time? It must be midnight there."

"It is. I just wanted to catch you before you get busy with your kickboxing class."

"Oh, okay! I don't have to leave in another thirty minutes. Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Kind of. Yeah."

"Jungkook, what's wrong? Your voice is making me worried."

"Oh, it's nothing bad at all! I just wanted to talk to you. I missed your voice."

"Aw, Kook. I missed hearing your voice, too."

"Good! How was it going back to work after your vacation?"

"It was nice seeing all my coworkers and getting back into the work grind! I mean, I'll be honest, I kind of wish I was still on vacation where you are."

"I wish you were still here."

"Of course you do! You miss me!"

She giggles. She doesn't realize how right she is with that statement she just made. I miss hearing that sound of her laugh beside me, in person. I miss her.

"I know you're saying that jokingly, but I really do, Sarah. Anyway, anything interesting at work?"

"Nothing extraordinary! I just had mountains of work to do. It made the day feel like it was going by, quickly! It was also nice to catch up with everyone, especially my coworker, Jessica. We went out to have some sushi for lunch. Oh and um...wait, you know what, never mind."

"What? you can't start saying something and take it back, Sarah!"

I chuckle and hear her sigh.

"Oh, okay. Well, a co-worker of mine, Beth, wants to fix me up on a blind date with one of her husband's associates."

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