I looked to see a man approaching within the crowd of guards. He harbored swords all over his body. Two on each side of his hips. One strapped to forearm, and some on his back I could only see the hilts of. He had no hair, and scars marred his face and exposed skin. One particular scar ran from the top of his head to below his right eye. He seemed intimidating to most, but his tough stance and look had no affect on me. The advisor for one, seemed petrified.

Did he forget we were dragons? We could tear them apart with ease?

Kill. Bring back to Fae. Mate.

I was sure that my behemoth did not realize that Estelle would be mortified if I gave her the head of a Vampyr to forgive us. Then attempt to get under her dress.

"Your King is supposed to be here not you," he spat as I felt the need to tell the advisor to go home. Why was he here again? To watch over me when he could not even take care of his quaking knees.

"Plans change. Will you let us in or have we made this trip for nothing?" I questioned watching the man look me over carefully before ordering a few of the men to open the gates.

Soon we were following the well equipped man, while the bunch of guards were trailing behind us. The advisor was always jittery but he seemed especially jittery today. My father most likely threatened him before we left.

As we made our way inside of the castle, I could sense that these Vampyr were prepared to die for their King. It was all in their eyes, the way they gripped their weapons as if they would have no problem killing us two if we made any wrong move.

At least they have reverence for their King. "Your highness." I could hear the Advisor call me and was quickly pulled from my thoughts. We were now stopped, standing in a room, with paintings and items that looked as if they did not come from this kingdom...but others. I also saw a set of dragons teeth that I will be taking by the end of this visit. This was some sort of...exhibit and my people's bones were not going to be on display.

I glanced to the soldier like man to see him heading towards the door. "King Talon will be in soon.Wait here...enjoy the King's most prized possessions while you wait."

The man slammed the door shut. The Advisor jumped. Most prized? This King was foolish. Why would he let us set foot in a place with his most prized possessions? He has no idea if we are friend or foe. We have an agreement, a trade agreement not a friendship or alliance.

"So...my prince how is your new wife? I heard that she killed a deer and dove off a cliff into-"

"-We are married and she is my wife. That is all you need to know about her." I did not even want to be here, what made him think I wanted to speak to him about my wife. He should know what everyone else knows. She is mine.

The advisor quickly nodded his head, paying attention to something in the corner that looked like an unfamiliar animal preserved. While the advisor occupied himself with this King's prizes, I paced the room. Did this King know I had more important things to do right now?

"Your highness." My eyes shot towards the Advisor as he eyed the door. The door knob was twisting. I waited impatiently for the Vampyr King to enter the room.

I had never seen him with my own eyes, but I do remember my father calling him 'an arrogant bastard.' Which was ironic.

"Ah, the Prince of the Dragons." I watched the man stroll into the room with a smirk on his face. The first thing that my eyes were immediately drawn to were his shoulders. A full pelt of a lycan was resting on his shoulders. It was not a regular wolf, regular wolves were rarely that large and had teeth so sharp. I heard of the problems between the Lycea kingdom and his. I supposed they were just rumors, but apparently not.

Queen of the DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now