"Fuck...fuck....fuck...fuck...I hate my fucking life." I screamed at the top of my lungs, I was sobbing tears and more tears running down my face, and I trowed a pillow, making a photo frame fell of the dresser, breaking the glass. I stood up, and I lifted the frame, it was a photo of my family, when we were 8 years old, my sister in the middle of my parents, they putting a hand on her shoulders, and me, in the corner, next to my mother, almost hidden behind her, but I was smiling, that's all I've ever did, smile, no matter of how bad I was treated, I 've always had a smile on my lips, I was so dumb.

I took the picture off the broken frame and hugged it, tears falling on the top of it. My sister has always been the favorite, if she dated Malfoy I'm sure my mother would suport her one hundred por cent, because it's her perfect daughter, and I'm just a disappointment, useless...

Weeks have passed, and my mother didn't let me receive any letters, I didn't left my room since the day we fight, the only time the door was open was when the house elves bringed me food, I was going crazy, the view to the lake in front of my window that I loved so much was now irritating, the only thing I saw everyday was the walls of my room, I felt like a prisioner in my own house.

I was in my room, pacing our around the couch, when suddenly my door opened and Delilah entered.

"For Merlin, Y/N, how are you?!" Delilah rushed towards me hugging me tightly.

"Delilah, what are you doing here." I asked.

"You didn't answered any of our letters, even Draco send me one asking if everything was okay, so I knew that something happened, and I came here with my mother." We stopped hugging and sat on the couch.

"Wait, how did you convince my mother to let you come to my side?" I asked.

"Oh, I asked her if I could come to your side, but she refused, she said you couldn't receive visits, that you were ill, and then my mother said if you were ill, then my company would do good to you, because she noticed she was lying, your mother is a terrible liar, just like you."

"Delilah, I've always, loved your mother...wait a minute...ill?! She doesn't even have the audacity to say that I'm in punishment?!" I raised my eyebrowns, my lips parted away. "Wait, where's Ivonne?"

"She couldn't come, her mother is ill, and she said she had to take care of her....Oh, wait, I have something to tell you..." She looked at her pocket, and took out a small package with a letter. "Draco, told me if I see you, to give you this." She handed me the letter, and I opened.


I hope you are okay, Ivonne and Delilah told me you weren't answering their letters either.
I wanted to tell you that, my father didn't know about us, but I didn't told him either, yet, I promise I will, but I'm not ready, yet.

I told my mother about us, unexpectedly she accepted it really well, she even told me that she was happy for me, but to be careful because of my father.

I'd been lying if I said I didn't miss your annoying ass, and your annoying face; Miss you, my love.

I've thought about how much you love playing with my rings, so I decided to gave you a little gift for you, go open the package that I gave Delilah along with the letter, and have a look.

I putted the parchment aside, and took the package off Delilah's hands. I fumbled with the package slightly, and shaked it, not having the slightest guess, of what it could be, I finaly unwrapped it, and opened it, inside it was a green emerald little box, in a size of a small square, I opened it, and a shiny silver ring was inside of it, with a green heart on the middle, "Yours always D.M." engraved on the inside, and I tried it on, and it was the perfect size for my hand. I picked up the letter again and continued reading it.

I decided to get you a ring of your own, one that didn't fall of your finger of course, my mother helped me choosing it, since I had so bad taste in jewelry, and to make it clear this is not a confession, it was my mother who said it, I think my taste for jewelry quite interesting.

I want you, everytime that you look at the ring, to remember that you are mine, and mine only, and, whenever you miss me, just look at it and you'll remember me.

- Draco M.

P.S: If you are not wearing it once I see you again, love, then I will fuck you so bad that you will not walk for months.

The grin on my face grew wider at reading the rest of the letter, my cheeks fastly turned in a shade of red and I felt them burning.

"So, have you read it?" I turned my gaze at Delilah's again, completely forgetting about her presence here.

"Oh, yeah, thank you for bringing it Delilah." I smiled at the girl, and putted the letter and the empty box on the top of a table.

"You're welcome, and I wanna tell you another thing...My mother and I want you to spend the rest of the summer holidays at our house." Her lips formed a wide smile and her words were filled with excitement.

"Delilah, believe me there is nothing in this world that I want more then getting out of here, but my mother would never let me." I gave her an apologetic smile, but she was with a smirk on her face I didn't know why wasn't she upset about this, until I heard a hard knock on my door, and my mother entered.

"Y/N, pack your things, you're spending the rest of the holidays with the Lightfoot." She quickly closed the door as soon as she spoke not even looking at me.

"Delilah?!" I looked at her with an eyebrow raised and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Did you told your mother to ask my parents, to let me pass the summer in your house, without asking me if I wanted to go in first place?" She started laughing hard, and I fastly joined her. "I'm not even asking how did your mother convinced mine.

"You know that I don't give a fuck, if you wanna go or not, your coming anyways even if I have to dragg you, now go pack your things quickly." I stood up, and went to pack my things, already with the stuff for school.

While packing my things, my door quickly opened, without even knocking, and my sister entered my room, with an anger expression on her face.

"I see that you have good friends..." Her gaze was looking forth between me and Delilah, and our faces were shocked, at seing the girl's attitude. "This will not stay like this, mark my words." She left without letting me say anything and closed the door abruptly, me and Delilah blasted out of laugh and I went back to pack my things.

I spent the rest of the summer, in Delilah's house, I answered to Ivonne and Draco letting them know that I was good and alive. There wasn't a day where I didn't looked at the ring twisting it around my fingers, remembering me of him, of his warm touch, of his smell, of his presence, of every piece of him, his angelic grey eyes looking directly at mine, the feeling of the motion of his lips moving passionately against mine, I missed him.

Just want to let you know this is how I imagine the ring.

A/N:Just want to let you know this is how I imagine the ring

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Forbidden Love // Draco Malfoy × Reader +18حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن