The Dark Lord continued his orders for the other safe houses and for those attacking the Ministry. By the end of it all, it seemed like a beautifully wrapped up plan, no errors, no possible failures. It was flawless. Yet, Adelaide felt like she was going to be sick. 

Luca Fabris clearly had some sort of infatuation with her if he were willing to almost fight his best friend Sebestyen for asking her to the Yule Ball and beat up Draco just for being a little bit of a jerk to her. She hadn't seen him since and he never wrote her. Sebestyen never mentioned him after what had happened. To Adelaide, he just sort of slipped the radar. She dreaded having to meet him again tomorrow to discuss the plan. She wasn't the most assertive person in nature, she didn't know how the Dark Lord expected her to control four undoubtedly blood thirsty Death Eaters. 

The meeting concluded and much to Adelaide's pleasure there was no prisoner to kill and be fed to Nagini. The Death Eaters filed out and The Dark Lord disapparated, leaving the Malfoys, Perseus, and Adelaide. 

Draco spat, "Did he say Luca Fabris? As in that italian prick from our fourth year?"

Perseus coughed, "You mean the italian guy who beat you to a pulp." smirking slightly at Draco.

Narcissa rubbed Lucius' arm, "I think we should return home. Let the kids have some time to themselves." 

He looked down at her and gave her a weak smile, "Alright then. Draco, do return home this time."

Perseus shot a glare at Draco, "This time?"

Lucius widened his eyes and gently pulled Narcissa out of the room, disapparating from the Manor. Leaving the three of them uncomfortably in the dark drawing room. 

Adelaide cautiously whispered, "Now, now boys. Put the talons away and play nice." 

Perseus wrinkled his nose, "I'm going to bed." before storming out of the room angrily. 

Draco was in a terrible mood, "No surprise that Fabris is working as a foot soldier. Brainless idiot with a wand, that's all he is." he grumbled. 

Adelaide walked over behind him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her chin on his shoulder, "He is a monster, but I can handle him. I promise." she kissed his cheek lovingly and lingered in her embrace from behind. She could feel him melting into her slightly and she felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. 

He smiled softly, soaking in her beautiful perfume. She looked like a queen in her black dress and cloak and carried the same grace and power that his mother did. She was the most beautiful girl in the world. He hated the idea that anyone would get to lay their eyes on her and see the same thing. She was his and he was hers. The mention of Fabris struck a deep cord of jealousy within Draco and he wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds for ever liking Adelaide. If he tried to pull something with Addie, he planned on returning the beating Luca gave him his fourth year. 

He looked up at her, "Just please try to stay away from him as much as you can, I don't trust him."

She slowly kissed his neck and lavished in the way he melted at her touch, his eyes fluttering closed and the subtle tilt of his head that granted her more access to his neck. She whispered in his ear, "You don't have to worry about me Draco, I can handle myself." she could see the goosebumps that flew down his neck at her words. He quickly turned around, grabbing her arm, and apparated her to his room. He shoved his mouth onto hers, desperately kissing her passionately. He was going to make sure that if she was going to spend the day tomorrow training with Luca, she would only be able to think about him. 


Adelaide woke up the next morning, the sun shining across Draco's room brightly. She grabbed her wand and neatly put away Draco's clothes that were sprawled out across the floor, putting on his white button down. She placed her wand down on the end table and kissed Draco on the cheek. 

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