They both definitely regretted this decision, they were completely clueless, uncomfortable, and nervous. They walked down the street and came across a fairly nice looking restaurant. Adelaide looked towards Draco and motioned her head towards it. He gulped slightly and reluctantly headed towards the place, opening the door for her.

As they walked in, the ambience was romantic and classy. It was thankfully quiet with not too many people there. A woman walked up to them and smiled, "Hello, how many?"

Adelaide stood there petrified and Draco had such a look of disgust, the hostess looked like she was about to cry. Draco grabbed Adelaide's hand and ripped her out of the building. As they got onto the street he hissed, "That's enough. That's enough. No more. Please Addie, I'm begging you." He ran his fingers through his hair, "I can't believe that muggle just talked to me, to us. Oh gosh, oh gosh, I'm going to have squib children now. I can feel it." he paced back and forth.

Adelaide laughed at him, "You don't seriously believe that stupid myth do you?"

Draco's eyes grew wide and he got very serious, "It's not a myth Addie! I know one of my uncles accidentally stumbled upon a muggle when he was a child and-and his first son was a squib, he never had any more children after that. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I'm going to have squib children now. The Malfoy line is over." he buried his hands in his face groaning in disgust.

A Muggle authority in his uniform walked up to them nervously, looking at the platinum blonde with a black eye breaking down angrily in the middle of the street, "Is everything alright sir, are you injured?"

Adelaide stared at the muggle in terror and Draco snapped, "I'm fine. How about you mind your own business?"

The man began to step towards Draco and Adelaide whipped out her wand and mumbled, "Obliviate"

The man's face went blank and walked off quickly.

Draco's expression turned murderous, "Now I've just talked to a muggle. We have to go, please I'll get Polyjuice Potion and I'll take you wherever you want. I mean it, anywhere. Just please not here."

She rolled her eyes, she was dating a drama queen, she should've expected this. However, she also found herself quite uncomfortable as well and it definitely wasn't worth her parents finding out. She sighed and pulled him into a back alley, apparating them back to the Burke Manor.

As they approached the front door, arm-in-arm, the door opened widely and her mother stood there joyously, "Ah! Hello Draco! Your mother and I were beginning to worry you two ran away. My dear, what happened to your eye?" she furrowed her brow lightly turning around and heading into the Manor.

Adelaide grumbled, "Hello to you too mother." under her breath.

Draco confidently stated, "We just went to pick up these." he summoned a bouquet of flowers and handed them to Belvina. Her eyes brightened and she looked at Adelaide, "He's grown up to be quite the gentleman."

Adelaide whispered, "Kiss ass" and jabbed him in the ribs.

He whispered into her ear, "Would you rather me tell her we were ten minutes late because we were in the Muggle World?"

She glared at Draco, but failing to hide the smirk that crept onto her face, "How disappointed do you think she'll be when I have squib children."

His amusement left his face, "I'm telling you Addie, that's not a joke."

She laughed at him playfully as they headed towards the dining room.

As they walked in, Adelaide staring adoringly at Draco, still wincing at the bruise from Perseus punching him, she noticed his posture change dramatically. She looked up and quickly ripped her hands off Draco, staring directly at the Dark Lord sitting at the dining table. A deep shutter spread through her body as she bowed, "My Lord."

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