After a fair amount of time, Snape came in and the chatter died down. He paused momentarily, staring at the professor suspended above the table. He snapped out of his shock as the Dark Lord whispered, "Severus, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way." he paused dramatically, motioning towards a chair next to him, "Come, we have saved you a seat."

Snape casually walked to the chair, ignoring the woman who was crying lightly over the table.

"You bring news I trust?" the Dark Lord inquired as Snape sat down.

"It will happen Saturday next at nightfall." Snape responded confidently.

Adelaide was confused as to what they were talking about, she tried to calm herself down enough to listen in on the meeting.

The deep, scratchy voice of Corban Yaxley interrupted, "I've heard differently My Lord. Dawlish, the Auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the thirtieth of this month. The day before he turns 17."

Snape harshly interjected, "This is a false trail-" he continued on, but Adelaide didn't hear what he had said. Her mind was boiling in rage at the mention of Harry Potter. She wanted him dead. More than anyone on this planet, she wanted him dead.

Draco placed his hand on her leg, trying to calm her down. He could feel her practically vibrating in rage and was afraid she'd lose her temper and end up breaking something.

She snapped back into reality and heard Snape finish, "Those closest to him have believed we have infiltrated the Ministry"

One of the Death Eaters sitting next to Bellatrix cackled, "Well, they got that right then, didn't they?" the rest of the Death Eaters laughed loudly, but the Malfoys and Burkes sat rigidly in their seats.

The Malfoys and the Burkes were the two richest Death Eater Families, so their failure to find humor in the joke was taken more as their propriety rather than their fear in the reality of what the Death Eater had said.

The Dark Lord smiled at the joke and spoke up, "What say you Pius?"

Everyone's attention turned towards the future Minister of Magic who eyed Nagini nervously by his seat. She curled up in a position as if she was almost threatening to strike him. He strained out, "One hears many things My Lord, whether the truth is among them is not clear."

Adelaide felt her heart beat faster at the man's dodgy response. Much to her surprise the Dark Lord laughed, "Spoken like a true politican. You will, I think, prove most useful Pius."

Adelaide let out a shuttering breath that she didn't have to watch a man be slaughtered by a ginormous serpent right in front of her for skirting around the Dark Lord's question.

Bellatrix cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention, "My Lord, I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy."

She was briefly interrupted by a scream from the dungeons that startled Adelaide so much, she let out a sharp gasp that everyone heard. She quickly covered her mouth and the Dark Lord growled, "WORMTAIL! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guests quiet."

The skiddish man who stood in the corner stuttered, "Y-Yes M-My Lord. R-Right a-away, My Lord." Wormtail began to make his way towards Adelaide to grab her, but the Dark Lord hissed, "Not her you idiot" he motioned towards the dungeons and Pettigrew shook in fear, "O-Of c-course my Lord" he let out a nervous laugh and turned around leaving the room.

Adelaide removed her hand from her mouth, resting her hands on the table and staring at her rings with an intense interest. She felt like throwing up and her heart pounded mercilessly against her chest. She dared not look at Draco who she knew had the same expression of fear as her.

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