Chapter 1, "4 years later..."

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Kara's POV

I can't believe after 4 longs years of dance competitions and touring the freaking world I'm back in London!!!!!!! I'm so fucking excited.

These last few years have been great but I missed here a lot especially since before I left so many things happened. My friends Jayda and Harry had their twins. Zayn and I got closer.

Not to mention I found out Louis and Eleanor are engaged and have little two year old Frankie. While Liam is with Maya who makes him extremely happy and Niall has been living it up with my favorite music artist.

I stepped out of the plane looking around for Zayn. He was supposed to pick me up from here because he claims he misses me but I'm the one who was about to die without him. We've been practically on the phone every day for the last couple of years,

But it wasn't the same as being with him...

"Karaaa!!" I heard someone yell and I knew exactly who it was.

"Zayn," I smiled, dropping my bags and running towards him.

He ran towards me and I jumped into his arms. He smelt the same, felt the same, looked the same, even better. He spun me around before I finally climbed down.

"4 years later and you're still short," he teased.

"Fuck off," I smiled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to where I dropped my bags.

"Congratulations on your album," I beamed.

"Kara you literally congratulated me a hundred times."

"I know but that was over the phone, I'm here now and I'm really proud of you."

"I had my motivation," he shrugged, picking up my bags. We walked to his car which was now a Cadillac Escalade.

"This is new," I pointed.

"Mhm," he grinned.

I climbed into the car as he put my bags in. I looked around and it looked as good as new, surprisingly.

He climbed in with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Four fucking years is a long time, I really did miss you."

"I missed you too Zayn, a lot. I also missed London so catch me up to speed with everything we didn't discuss on the phone."

30 minutes later at the coffee shop.....

"Come here," I said, wrapping my arms around his torso.

I didn't want to let him go and I'm pretty sure he didn't want to let me go either. It's been too long without my best friend.

"You miss the band?" I asked.

"Of course, but nobody has mentioned anything about it so I'm not going to be the one," he shrugged.

"But you miss it."

"Yeah but I've been doing pretty fine, we all have.."


"Everyone's just living. I mean the break wasn't supposed to be this long but I think we all need this time apart from being in the band."

"I understand.. I'm glad you guys are still close."

"That's what makes it better," he smiled.

God I missed his smile.

"Hey what's up it's been a while," I joked.

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