He couldn't remember the last time he talked with his mother, like a genuine conversation. She usually avoided him. He never knew why. He always assumed it was because she was disappointed in him or afraid of him. 

You don't want to do this to Adelaide.

He remembered the Dark Lord yelling at him to torture her. He would've never been in that position if he distance himself from her. The Dark Lord said specifically if he messed up he would go straight to her for punishment.

You need to do this to Adelaide. For her. For her safety.

He couldn't be selfish, he was already selfish enough for two years being with her. His stomach twisted into knots. He rested his head on his pillow thinking about her gentle touch, her sweet kisses, the way she'd say I love you and truly mean it, her eye roll when he was being ridiculous, or her playful scolding when he said something mean.

He remembered how angry he was at her when he thought she left him. He felt so cold and on edge. The weeks she was gone were the lowest points of his life. He drank almost all the time and was in a perpetual state of bitterness.

He could handle the loneliness knowing she was safe. He needed to keep her within grasp, but far enough away for the Dark Lord to presume she isn't as important to him as she really is.

He tossed and turned all night, struggling with his internal battle. He wished he had someone to talk to about this to. Adelaide was the only person he had left. Pushing her away would be pushing away his lifeline.

You can't be selfish, not with her.

He decided then, he wasn't quite sure what his father's motives were for acting the way he did towards his mother, but the end result was his mother was safe. He hated the idea his entire life of becoming his father, but if doing so would keep Adelaide safe, could it really be so bad?

He felt himself slowly compartmentalizing things with Adelaide. He drew his emotions in and locked them away in a cold stone barrier. He was good at doing this. He did it with almost everything else in his life. He buried everything deep, deep within him until he felt nothing at all. Just cold, empty, nothingness. There was raw terror that gnawed at his conscious that he couldn't quite tuck away, it just lingered, forced him to be obedient to the Dark Lord.

He served the Dark Lord, he had a task for him, he couldn't fail it because he didn't want to upset the Dark Lord. He wanted to redeem his family that was now a laughing stock due to his father's horrible embarrassment.

He had to focus. He was going to do this alone. He didn't need Adelaide's help, he didn't need anyone's help. He could do this, he could keep her safe.

He could look Dumbledore in the eye and kill him without hesitation. He would do it.

He got out of bed quickly and made his way quickly to Hogwarts.


Adelaide's eyes fluttered open as she woke up. She swung out of bed and began to get ready. She needed to talk to Draco. Perseus was upset last night, but she refused to let him treat her like a child telling her she couldn't talk to Draco.

She got up, got dressed, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, swiped on a bit of makeup, and apparated to the Malfoy Manor. As she made her way in, she was immediately warmed by the smell of tea and baked scones. She skipped into the kitchen and found Narcissa delicately placing the scones on little platforms and lacing them beautifully with icing.

"Oh! Good morning Adelaide. I wasn't expecting you, but I'm very glad you're here." she smiled sweetly.

Adelaide smiled, "My apologies for the intrusion. The scones smell delicious!"

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