"Of course My Lord." she bowed and promptly left, returning to the Manor.

She had to think about what to do. Maybe give the Weasleys a warning? Maybe start by drawing everyone out of the House before the attack, so they could clearly see Harry and retreat? She could cause a diversion that would encourage everyone to escape the house, that was a good plan. 


Adelaide woke up on Christmas Day feeling as though there was a ten pound ball of lead in her chest. By the end of this day, she would have either assisted in the murder of a family or saved a family. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. 

She got Perseus a miniature Hebridean Black Dragon that would protect the shop very well and remain loyal only to her and him. She got Draco a three-headed dog for Christmas. It was still a puppy and spent most of its time sleeping since she placed an enchanted violin that played music for it all day. Perseus got her a beautiful portrait of herself that would hang in the Burke Manor, her portrait was relatively quiet, but she smiled affectionately at people who walked by as she stood in a beautiful flower field. Draco gave her a pair of beautiful emerald earrings.

She tried her very best to enjoy the day, but the impending task distracted her. She was thinking of her plan over and over again. For some reason, she kept recalling the night in the Ministry, especially her complete failure, over and over again. 

Draco, noticing she was slightly quieter than usual, pulled her aside, "Are you alright?"

She felt her false smile fall into a frown, "I-I didn't want to ruin Christmas for everyone, but I have a task to complete tonight. I'm just nervous is all." 

He furrowed his brow, "What task?"

Her heart twisted severely, Oh nothing too major just killing an entire family, but don't worry I'll make sure I hold back the blood thirsty werewolf a day before the full moon and your insane lunatic of an aunt who's just as blood thirsty, so no one actually gets killed.

"The Dark Lord wants me to find the Weasleys, I'll be going with Bellatrix and Fenrir." she whispered, feeling even more guilty than usual. She fumbled into her pocket, feeling the calming potion that she got replenished as soon as she got back from Hogwarts, and taking a quick sip.

His expression slowly turned fearful and sad as he looked at her, "I'm sorry."

She grabbed his hand quickly, "Don't be. I'll be..I'll be fine." 

The day went by abnormally slow, her anxiousness biting viciously at her conscience. Once it grew dark outside, Adelaide and Draco heard two loud whooshes. The Manor doors opened and Fenrir walked in with Bellatrix trailing slowly behind him. "Long time no see Addie-Loo" Bellatrix cackled. Fenrir growled, "Enough of the small talk, find them and let's go."

Adelaide gulped, getting up hesitantly. She glanced one last time at Draco, hoping when she came back the Weasleys would still be alive. She took out Ron's hair and placed a quick locator charm on it that revealed his location to her. Once the charm began to work, Adelaide spun into a column of black smoke, flying into the night.


As Adelaide saw the Burrow in sight, she noticed there were two people lingering outside the door talking with people inside. Bellatrix quickly casted a spell that sent a bright circle of fire around the house. Bellatrix landed first and Adelaide stood beside her, recognizing the people who stood there as being Professor Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Arthur Weasley, and who she assumed was Mrs. Weasley next to him. 

They stared at the two Death Eaters and the fire in horror, quickly reaching for their wands.

Next, Harry came storming out. Bellatrix cackled, running out the opening of her ring of fire. Adelaide quickly followed her, casting a spell on the fire to take the form of serpents to prevent anyone else from chasing after them and hopefully prevent Bellatrix or Fenrir from being able to enter back in. Flying through the swamp, she landed silently by an open marsh, hidden behind the weeds.

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