Meanwhile, In Volantis

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After observing the tome for a moment, Aerion walked towards it and picked the book from the ground. As he held it in his hands, the blood demons stopped fighting against his Soul Knights. He had gained what he came for afterwards; the awakening of Blood Magic.

"You are more formidable and willing than the last... a worthy master, indeed. Rivers of blood will flow for your conquests and ambitions. Kingdoms and Empires alike will fall as you march upon them, expanding your lands with every step. Your living body will grow invincible and immortal as you drink and consume upon those who dare to show defiance."

"The dragon who feasts upon countless worlds... that is who you will become under my guidance."


Aerion listened carefully as the tome seemed to speak to him. He wondered if this was a hallucination as a result of his exhaustion or the tome of Hematomancy had a will of its own. Since anything was possible with magic, Aerion did not doubt the latter.

The voice seemed feminine and sounded gentle yet it carried great authority at the very same time. The fact that the tome had a will of its own and he could not control it completely was quite troubling. When its old master wished for his death, the tome did not act and chose to see the outcome instead... which meant that it was not exactly loyal. A subject that is not loyal is unreliable, a trait that Aerion has a great distaste for.

He decided to put it away for now, at least until the trial was done. It was only a matter of time before those in the present became aware of his disappearance... especially his mother, whom he did not wish to worry.

'I will take Valyria with one decisive storm.'


It had been one moon since Aerion sailed for the city of Lys with a ship of his most powerful warriors... and Viserys. The magisters of Lys stated that he had arrived two weeks ago... however, most of the residents within the city do not recall seeing Aerion arrive. For a person known to have many grand and proud entrances, it was unlikely that anyone present could miss his arrival. It was even less likely that Aerion would intentionally hide when entering a city that was already his.

Many did not think much of Aerion's extended and mysterious leave, but Daenerys couldn't help but wonder where he had truly sailed. He had instructed her not to make any large decisions, an instruction that she followed. Volantis had not changed much since he left and neither did the New Valyrian Empire as a whole. Lord Stannis had secured and ruled Lorath for a time before returning to Braavos, where a vast majority of the Empire's navy was now stationed.

With the unification of all nine Free Cities came unity at last. Although not the best of friends, the lord magisters had all sworn that they would not have any conflicts with each other. If they did, then the Soul Knights beside them would sort it out... which was the last thing that they wished. Trade routes were never quite so safe, at least in recent memory, while all of the lord magisters worked to benefit both themselves and each other. It was a golden era for trade between the Free Cities in the opinion of most.

Some Dothraki were still quite willful when it came to harassing the Free Cities while a vast majority knew of the Emperor's reputation. He was the Silver Khal who defeated Khal Drogo in a battle to the death in front of his entire Khalasar. Afterwards, he had summoned a tornado that destroyed the half of the khalasar that did not obey him. Such a tale could discourage even the bravest of Khals! In terms of strength, Aerion was unofficially the mightiest of the Khals as Khal Drogo had been before him. Unofficially because some of the Dothraki didn't acknowledge him as their own which was understandable since Aerion didn't think of himself as a Dothraki either. In his disappearance, Aerion's khalasar had moved east and began to pillage lands outside of the New Valyrian Empire. After all, them staying in Pentos wasn't exactly sustainable for the city long-term and the Dothraki did not like to stay put in one place for too long either way.

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