King's Judgement

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The world was silent.

'Father... you've been avenged.' Aerion looked high into the sky.

'But I did not fight for you. I fought for myself.'

He closed his eyes and focused on healing his wounds. After a few seconds, they had closed and fully healed as he channelled more magic vitality. Then, he opened his eyes and looked to the crowd, drawing his sword from Robert's chest.

"Let it be known that I, Aerion of House Targaryen, have no equal in battle!"

The crowd cheered the victor of the duel, only stopping when he stabbed his blade into the ground.

"But more importantly than that, with the defeat of the Usurper, the Seven Kingdoms only knows one King... as it should. For years on end, all that ever came from the Seven Kingdoms in regards to House Targaryen and myself was ridicule, laughter, contempt... and distaste."

"The sand dragon who forever rests in Dorne... it wouldn't have been so amusing if I had thought 'fuck the Realm' and joined hands with the Greyjoys, now would it?"

The cheers from before grew to a halt, replaced by silence.

"No? That's precisely the reaction that I had in mind." Aerion smiled. "I know that there are some true loyalists in this crowd... and I thank you for your dedication. Through all those terrible years, you kept your faith in House Targaryen which, in turn, kept my faith for the Seven Kingdoms. For that, you will be rewarded with a prosperous reign."

"Well... I don't really have anything more to say. You may all leave." Aerion withdrew his sword from the ground. "Except for the rebels."

The Soul Knights amongst the crowd sprang into action, grabbing hold of the visitors that had come with Robert Baratheon and bringing them before Aerion. Edmure Tully, Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn and their two guards were forced onto their knees by the Soul Knights behind them while Aerion silently observed.

"Where is 'His Grace' now, Lord Edmure?"

He did not speak in Aerion's presence... even if he wanted to, he didn't know what to say.

"I have a better question for you; Who do you acknowledge as your King now?"


'This fool tests my patience...'

Aerion's hand itched with an impulse to set Edmure on fire but he kept it under control. Instead, he spent his magic vitality on resurrecting Robert. Emerald flames left his palm and engulfed Robert's corpse. Seconds after, the flames dispersed and revealed his new body.

Robert was just as tall yet his frame was more well-defined and muscular than before. His fat double-chin from the first time Aerion had faced Robert was completely gone, replaced with an iron jaw. He also, as per tradition, shared the emerald eyes of Aerion's undead. The rest was more or less the same. Long black hair, a slightly thinner beard... overall, Robert did look more handsome than before.

In his time, Rhaegar was arguably the most beautiful man in the Seven Kingdoms but Robert certainly had his own appeal.

Aerion observed the changes.

'I wonder how strong he is now...'

"Welcome back to the world of the living, courtesy of my magic." Aerion offered his hand. "Come, you will make your oath beneath the Iron Throne."

Robert grabbed it and helped himself up, almost taking Aerion's arm with him.

'Seven hells... why can't I have the strength of a Soul Knight?'

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