The Tower Of Joy

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The trio rode out further south, only stopping to rest and restock their water skins. They crossed the Blueburn and Cockleswhent rivers, avoiding any nearby settlements as they did so. After all, they were either Stormland or Reach Houses... neither of which Aerion or Jaime placed much trust in. Most of the Stormland Houses were loyal to Robert Baratheon and the Reach Houses, especially House Tyrell, were known to side with the winning force. House Targaryen had already lost the war and that much was clear. They had lost the crown prince in Rhaegar, most of their loyalist forces had scattered, King's Landing had fallen and the King was dead with no one to replace him.

Giving Aerion away to whoever was to be crowned King was a simple decision the surrounding lords would make in a heartbeat, except for those who were true loyalists. Unfortunately, these loyalists were not present where the prince travelled so he had to make due until he reached the Kingdom of Dorne.

So, they rode.

After three weeks, they reached the Tower of Joy. It was not far from the closest Dornish settlement, the Kingsgrave. Once they reach the Kingsgrave, the rest of the journey would be smooth sailing from there so they were quite relaxed. The trio did encounter a few outlaws there and there but the outlaws did not stand a chance against the magical prince and his brave knight. Together, the two were almost invincible against a group of men fewer than eight in number.

Aerion saw three men guarding the Tower of Joy, which certainly intrigued him.

"Jaime... aren't those the white cloaks of the Kingsguard?" Aerion observed from afar. "Ride closer."

"As you wish."

Jaime followed his command, riding closer. His eyes did widen as he saw three familiar faces, all of whom were his fellow brothers of the Kingsguard. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard himself; Ser Gerold Hightower stood before them, along with Ser Oswell Whent and the legendary Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning! The knight Jaime had idolised from the beginning and even squired under when he was younger.

"Ser Arthur!" Aerion exclaimed with great delight.

"Why would they be here, of all places..." Jaime muttered, dismounting off his mount and helping Aerion to the ground. Both parties were just as surprised to see each other. It was a strange place to meet, after all.

The three Kingsguard walked down the steps of the Tower of Joy and bowed their heads slightly. Ser Gerold Hightower, being the Lord Commander, spoke first. "This is not the place for a prince..."

"And this is not the place for three brothers of the Kingsguard."

Jaime reply made Ser Arthur chuckle a little. "Your tongue remains sharp. Under the orders of Rhaegar Targaryen, we were told to guard this tower with our lives... until further notice."

"For what reason?" Aerion inquired.

"Unfortunately, it is a reason we cannot say." Gerold Hightower stated in response.

This caused Jamie to frown slightly. "Whatever you hide in that tower should not be a secret to our prince. Rhaegar is dead and so is the King, after all. Do you know what that entails, Ser Gerold?" Jamie paused for a moment before continuing "Prince Aerion Targaryen is now the head of House Targaryen and the Rightful King... nothing in the Seven Kingdoms should be kept a secret from him."

"Along with that, your true duties now lay in protecting the prince and following his orders... as a Lord Commander of the Kingsguard should do."

Ser Gerold looked to Ser Arthur, who nodded and spoke for him. "You speak the truth, Ser Jaime. Gerold was acting a little uptight earlier and forgot his priorities. Although it may bring some pain or perhaps even joy, the prince must know of the truth. But the prince alone will know... he will decide whether to spread it to you or not."

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