The Rebuild Begins

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Nearly a hundred ships occupied the waters of Valyria with many thousands of Soul Knights and countless more lesser undead carrying out the will of their Dragon Emperor. The moment the final design had been created, they all marched out and dozens of construction projects commenced simultaneously. The roads, docks, mines, farms, walls, homes, shops, places of worship... most importantly, a fitting palace for the Emperor and his family. Aerion had sold out some land to many nobles at a high price and sold even more as he promised to take care of all the construction. Hence, the costs for Valyria's rebuild didn't fall completely onto him and the entire project became far more affordable.

Truly, he 'claimed' all of Valyria, sold off the parts that he didn't require and then got money from these buyers to build what he intended to build anyway... profiting further!

On the side, Aerion worked alongside Vermithor to play with dragonfire and eventually learned to fuse stone... creating an extremely durable material called Dragonstone. After discovering this long-lost material, it would become the primary resource for most exteriors. Stronger than iron, steel, granite or even diamond... it was the perfect material for a dragon's city.


Valyria, the latter half of the second moon, 300 AC.

"Have you ever seen Summer?"

"Even during the darkest hours, the wind is but a gentle and warm breeze."

"Crops prosper and beautiful flowers bloom, all across the delightful world."

"It is the season that leads to many smiles, as radiant as the loving sun."

"Love blossoms and friendships are forged, everflowing like the shimmering sea."

"One day you will see..."

Aerion finished with one final note, letting its sound echo into the wind. Such sorrowful yet hopeful songs let him take out his sorrow and bring out the flames of determination. Music had become one of his preferred ways of expressing himself, in truth. Ever since he had done so for Rhaenys.

He glanced at Jocelyn Baratheon who was sniffling and in the act of rubbing her eyes.

"You wept from a song?" Aerion mocked in a playful way.

"Your voice... I could feel the sorrow from it." Jocelyn Baratheon replied, wiping away the last of her tears. "You have a habit of smiling even when you are sad."

"Do I?"

Aerion looked up at the sky that was once so bright... begin to grow full of dark clouds. From those dark clouds, snow started to fall and cover the world in its pure and wonderful white colour. He stretched out his hand... observing with a bewildered expression.

'Snowing... in the middle of Summer?'

"There is beauty in Winter, too. Its cold and uncaring nature allows us to appreciate the warmth that is unsung in the Summer. The warmth of food, the warmth of home, the warmth of love and care... it brings everyone together just as much as the Summer."

Jocelyn Baratheon spoke as snow gathered in her hand.

"And snow. It is the most wonderful thing in the world, is it not?"

"... Perhaps." Aerion nodded, chuckling. "I prefer fire, however. Snow has little use other than looking pretty."

"Why would it snow in the Summer, though...?" Jocelyn Baratheon exchanged looks with Aerion who shrugged.

"It has happened before," Aerion replied, watching the snow cover all of the buildings in the distance. "My poor Soul Knights, they will have the duty of burning it all away."

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