Roars Of A Dozen Dragons

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From the rather insignificant fireball rose a colossal and magnificent dragon that could melt nearly everything within a moment. The dragon covered the entire dungeon and continued to expand, scorching everything in its path. Due to the limited space, the dragon was unable to rise in its entire glory. However, the lightning made up for that disadvantage.

Lightning and fire joined together, incinerating the Soul King's body for minutes on end...

Before the flames had exploded completely, Aerion and Helia had left for the upper floor and sealed the entrance right after. The ferocious flames burned through the door and continued onwards.

Aerion swiftly retreated to the very top of the cellar while the lightning-flames continued to burn everything in sight and expand further. He opened the entrance and retreated back into the palace before the lightning-flames reached him. In the end, both Helia and Aerion got away safely. The entrance withstood the onslaught of the flames with great ease, as if it were no more than a little spark. At least, it seemed so.

He turned to the entrance and decided to wait for a little while. Until the flames settled down, to be precise.

My control over magic still needs a lot of work...

"Was that enough?" Aerion glanced at Helia. He was quite confident of his abilities so there was little doubt in his mind but it was good to make sure.

"Perhaps... it would be best to stay vigilant just in case-"

As the palace began to rumble once more, a burst of sinister laughter followed. It had originated from below the cellar and only continued to grow louder as the flames weakened. With every moment the source of this laughter drew closer and closer. Aerion carefully withdrew from the entrance, fearful of the worst.

"Viserys, tell everyone to retreat from the palace. Immediately."

Viserys nodded and moved with haste.


Rumble... rumble...

Then it stopped.

Crack... BOOM.

A barrage of countless ghastly blades pierced through the entrance and flew directly towards the living. Aerion formed a raging inferno around himself for protection while Helia summoned a wall of lightning and sent forward several more waves of lightning to destroy the swords.

Unfortunately, the Soul King aimed his attack towards one person at the very last second. He targeted Helia, whose lightning was noticeably weaker yet more irritating.

Pierce... pierce... pierce.

In the blink of an eye, Helia fell to the ground with over a dozen through her.

Meanwhile, the Soul King emerged from the cellar. Most of his upper left half was incinerated completely while the rest of his body was gravely scorched. Without a left arm and with the rest of his body in the condition that it was, the Soul King wasn't quite as formidable. But... he was more desperate.

As Aerion glanced towards the dead Helia, he felt the chains binding him shatter. His feelings towards her death were... complicated, to say the least. Part of him was glad while the other was regretful. Unfortunately, the Soul King standing before him wasn't going to stand around and wait for Aerion to ponder on the matter.

"I don't know what you did... but I am free. For that, I am most grateful! So grateful that I shall grant you the great honour of serving directly under me." The Soul King's emerald gaze was entirely focused on Aerion.

"Your flames burn with such ferocity... such beauty... such rage!" He raised his greatsword and pointed it towards Aerion. "It would be a waste of great magnitude for someone such as yourself to perish in this insignificant place... wouldn't you agree?"

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