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"Master... I have grave news."

An initiate of the sect approached one of the bearded priests. The bearded priests were the true, yet secretive leaders of Norvos. They were the ones to choose the council of magisters... a process which they accomplished through 'divine inspiration'. The name of their god was unknown to all but the members of the sect.

"What is it?"

"The false Emperor's forces have repelled the navies from Volantis and Braavos, led by the undead Lord Stannis Baratheon. And the army... the army was vanquished by the false Emperor's newly-attained khalasar. The surviving sellswords speak of fire falling from the sky and winds strong enough to tear apart hundreds of men within seconds... some have even fallen so low to claim him to be God."

Although he already knew some of the information from before, some of it was new to him. The fall of the navy was well-known, but the army too...

"So we have lost." The bearded priest sighed. "Once his conquest is complete, there will be no place for our God..."

"Perhaps, he truly is God's chosen."

The bearded priest laughed. "The false Emperor believes in no God... he only has faith in himself."

When has there ever been a man so invincible? Not even the combined efforts of five Free Cities could repel him... it all started with him and a hundred men. A hundred grew to several hundred, a thousand, several thousand, ten thousand... and there was not a single dragon to assist him.

Who would've thought that such a prestigious and mighty figure would emerge at this time? No more than sixteen years of age and his name was already placed alongside Aegon the Conqueror... if not above him! A living legend at the age of sixteen... and his conquest had yet to be completed.

However, everyone knew that Aerion would become Emperor once the majority of the rebel forces were put in their place. It was inevitable.


Aerion aimed to continuously use 'Complete Rebirth' instead of the other options due to the supreme strength of his Soul Knights. Also, if he used all of his vitality, he could only revive 53 skeletons. It would take around twelve hours to recover his vitality fully so that would only be a hundred and six undead skeletons per day... which means that resurrecting all 20,000 (though the true number is less than 20,000) corpses would take more than half a year (188 days~)!

However, with the combination of Soul Summoning and Revive Greater Undead, Aerion could use up a thousand corpses by resurrecting 10 Soul Knights a day (5 every 12 hours). Instead of taking more than half a year, the corpses would be used within twenty days.

Needless to say, Aerion did not wish to stay in the middle of nowhere for half a year (though his experience in the Dornish Desert would say otherwise) so he went with the Soul Knight route.

~Twenty days later~

Aerion laid atop a hill in the outer reaches of the camp, surrounded by a dozen or so Soul Knights. They were all silent and slightly far away but close enough to ensure his absolute safety. It was already past midnight as the night sky was pitch-black except for the moonlight above.

My sixteenth nameday was spent in the wilderness... I wonder, what does my mother think of all of this? The undead, pirates, conquering Free Cities, defeating and humiliating Robert Baratheon, taking Dragonstone and declaring myself Emperor...act after act, I've constantly done something that would have been deemed shocking, to say the least.

Aerion decided that he would visit Sunspear to reunite with his family after all of his business was settled.

Although Jaime Lannister has yet to speak the blatant truth, his secret lover maybe Cersei Lannister. She is both married and already his sister, which would also make a marriage between them forbidden as they are closely related.

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