Glittering Midnight Confession

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For the three hundred year celebration, every last notable vassal of the New Valyrian Empire gathered in the great hall. From undead to living, young to old, lords to ladies, west to east... there were all types of prestigious people present. The great hall for all its size was almost packed full, to say the least.

The very last person to join the celebration also happened to be the most prominent man of his generation and perhaps all of time; Dragon Emperor Aerion I 'Stormcaller' of House Targaryen. Each step of his felt as heavy as a mountain falling from the sky yet carried unmatched regal grace. His gaze was met with looks of adoration, reverence and even worship. In that room, there was not a single person who did not acknowledge his superiority.

As he reached the steps of the Iron Throne, Aerion looked at Jaime Lannister who stood closest to him with a little grin. He spoke in a whisper.

"I thought you wouldn't make it... since you were busy in a tower. Wrestling, I hear? Lots of moans and grunts..."

"I'm sure you would understand the matter of certain noises being let out in a tower, my Emperor." Jaime smiled. "Even my very own chamber fell victim to your adventurous spirit once..."

"You forgive me for that, don't you?" Aerion chuckled a little.

"No, never. I've held a grudge ever since... and I will not rest until the debt is settled." Jaime replied with a sarcastic tone. "Starting with your royal bedchamber..."

"Do anything of the sort in my bedchamber and I'm sending you straight to the execution block." Aerion countered, although with a playful tone.

"A Lannister always repays his debts, you should know..."

"And a dragon loves his fire and blood."

Jaime Lannister chuckled, shaking his head. "Out of all the towers and rooms that night, you happened to chose mine. I found that more amusing than anything... and where did you want me to sleep, again?"

"I... was a little inconsiderate. Perhaps, I hoped that you'd find yourself at the bedside of a lady."

"How cunning..." Jaime Lannister nodded before glancing at the crowd of endless subjects. "You might want to start your grand speech, my Emperor. Your subjects are waiting patiently."

"They can wait a little longer." Aerion chuckled, walking up the Iron Throne's staircase and eventually sitting down on the towering throne.

'Doesn't feel uncomfortable at all. Not that I can feel much, for that matter...'

Pausing for a moment, he took a good look at everyone present. There was his family and relatives to the right, compromised of House Martell, House Targaryen and... by extension, House Lannister. House Baratheon and Stark were not far behind. He took this time to think of how brilliantly he had pieced his Realm together.

House Martell's loyalty to House Targaryen could never be disputed. From the Dragon Emperor's blood ties, his tutelage under Doran Martell and the matter of being raised in Sunspear, his marriage and love for Arianne Martell... the last thing in the world that would break was the relations between these two houses!

House Lannister's bond with House Targaryen and perhaps even the sole reason for its prominence was Jaime Lannister's loyalty and friendship with the Dragon Emperor. Matters have changed since then, of course... especially with Viserys Targaryen's marriage with Cersei Lannister. Even the relations between the Targaryens and Tywin Lannister were not quite so bitter as time passed... although his acts were not forgotten, they had been forgiven through his contributions to the crown.

House Stark's bond was made from brother-like relations with Robb Stark, blood ties with Jon Targaryen, Lyanna Baratheon's support and Eddard Stark's respect towards the Dragon Emperor for protecting the Realm. If anything, House Stark was one of the strongest supporters of the Dragon Emperor.

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