His Radiance's Blessing

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After dressing himself, Aerion Targaryen got along with his day. He had woken up later than expected so there was no time to stand idle. After all, how could he bear to keep the gentle Lady Margaery waiting for too long?

Before presenting himself, he put on his Crown of Necromancy and commanded for a fraction of his wealth to be prepared while also asking for Ser Arthur to bring Lady Margaery. For the second day to celebrate the three-hundredth-anniversary, he intended to share his blessings with the least fortunate of people.

Dressed in dashing white robes as opposed to the usual black ones, Aerion Targaryen looked more divine and pure than usual. Even his turquoise eyes seemed kinder... although, he couldn't help his towering height being intimidating. He was in a cheerful mood as he entered the great hall through Maegor's Holdfast.

"You look wonderful in white, Your Radiance." Margaery Tyrell remarked with a charming smile, courteously bowing.

"I don't usually wear white as it is easily soiled," Aerion replied, stepping forward as he observed the lady before him.

Margaery Tyrell had grown into a slender but womanly figure with smooth and unblemished pale skin. As opposed to Arianne Martell, she did not have large breasts to boast... in truth, hers were rather small. Her thick and softly curling brown hair was long and matched her brown eyes. She had a shy smile that was almost as sweet as Jocelyn's.

'So shy yet I see that cunning glare...'

"Is it rude of me to stare?" Aerion asked, smirking a little. She always had the fragrance of sweet flowers, perhaps there even were a few on her person.

"Was it rude of me?" Margaery Tyrell inquired, keeping her smile.

"I suppose not." Aerion chuckled, nodding as he was finally within arm's length.

"Then His Radiance can stare for as long as he likes."

"I'd do more than just stare," Aerion remarked in a seductive tone, looking into her brown eyes while also cupping her chin upwards.

"You're a flower I'd like to water..."

"Oh..." Margaery Tyrell was caught unawares for a moment, turning red while her eyes danced around Aerion's dream-like turquoise gaze. "I don't think your queens would be pleased if you..."

"Ashara and Arianne both know how to share." Aerion smiled, removing his hand. "If you can earn their favour, I will make a Queen out of you. Wouldn't you like that?"

"It is the greatest honour a lady can have... to be by the Dragon Emperor's side." Margaery Tyrell replied, retaining her smile. "Rest assured, Your Radiance... there will be no disputes between your queens and I."

"I don't doubt it... anyways, we should get going." Aerion turned to Ser Arthur who was standing in the back the whole time. He nodded and opened the gates of the Red Keep, revealing the sun's radiance.

"I told you that I'd take you out for a walk, after all."


Aerion was well aware that the lowest parts of King's Landing weren't the prettiest of places to take a lady on a date... but she was well-versed in such things. As he walked down the streets of King's Landing, many of the smallfolk didn't remove their eyes from his figure while a formation of Soul Knights guarded his path.

Eventually, they reached Flea Bottom... the poorest slum of King's Landing. As he would recall, this district of King's Landing disgusted him the most and the one he least trod upon. He could only count three occasions throughout his life, in truth. This was the fourth.

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