A Wonderful Feast

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With Aerion's growing force terrorising the lands surrounding Valyria, the vast power of the dragonlords faded day by day. He faced vast hordes of dragons, all of whom found themselves in his service during or after battle. All obstacles in his path were decisively crushed as he continued to grow in strength with every battle. In the end, there was nothing that even the great Valyrian Freehold could do to oppose him.

Unintentionally, he had become the Doom of Valyria... before the Doom had even occurred.

Now, only one objective remained to complete the trial; the taking of Valyria itself. By this point, all of the dragonlords with some spine were already dead. Those that remained did not have the will to defy him any longer... at least not directly. As a result, the gates to paradise were opened to the vast force of undead who entered under Aerion's lead.

"This is the city that they call paradise? It is a city made out of black stone with the sights of fire mountains... there's nothing beautiful to look at. I dare say that it is hideous." Viserys remarked.

Aerion chuckled. "Well, you're not wrong. It is quite grim yet... I do feel strangely attracted to it."

"For someone who loves to wear glistening and luxurious clothing, it is, indeed, strange for you to be interested."

"Who doesn't like luxurious clothing?" Aerion countered. "Anyway, it would be unwise to trust the remaining dragonlords so easily. We must remain vigilant within Valyria... until their loyalty is truly secured. Afterwards, the trial should end."

"And if it doesn't?" Jaime inquired. "What if we are stuck here, in the past?"

"Well then... wouldn't that be a terrible thing? If there truly was no way of returning, we would just have to resign to our fate and assert Targaryen rule within Westeros a few generations early. I would marry a pretty ancestor of mine and..."

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen." Aerion laughed.

"I'm not too fond of staying, either." Viserys agreed. "There are still many rebels to humble in the present. If we are bound to this place, then all of your efforts would have been for nought, my nephew."

"Daenerys might be able to hold onto what I left behind... if the Soul Knights remain, that is. Lord Stannis is a brilliant admiral and my Empire possesses the mightiest navy within the Known World with nigh-invincible warriors who can only be slain by magic or valyrian steel - a rare commodity nowadays. They might have a few more weakness that I am unaware of, however..."

"You think too much." Viserys remarked.

"That's not a bad thing, my dear uncle."

"Pardon me, my lords." A group of guards approached them. "The remaining head dragonlords wish to welcome you into Valyria with a brilliant feast. It is our duty to lead you to them upon arrival."

"Very well."

A feast, huh...

Aerion left behind his lesser undead, proceeding with only his vast group of Soul Knights for protection. The meeting place was quite the walk away due to the sheer size of the city itself. Truly, the high valyrians loved their space. They all lived in luxury with a majority of their servants being slaves from earlier conquests. To Aerion, it was clear that the valyrians had grown decadent. They had everything they could ever need... leading to the feeling of content... leading to a lack of ambition. This led to weakness.

'The Valyrian Freehold could have been so much greater.'

Aerion thought.

If the dragonlords had the ambition to expand even further and didn't cling to one place, then the Doom wouldn't have been so severe. Of course, that didn't happen.

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