Trials Of The Heart

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3rd Moon of 300 AC, 'Asshai by the Shadow'.

Aerion, Jocelyn and Bellona had all descended from Vermithor not too far from the city known as Asshai. It was cold and dark as the rest of the Shadow Lands were. Even the lights from its people weren't all that bright. As the three explored the city's vast trading sector, Aerion would inform Jocelyn of the strange quirks of the city's people.

"Why is everyone here masked or veiled?" Jocelyn wondered, having observed that every last person had hidden their face. Their vivid appearances had led to many glances... but no one had done anything about it.

"These people like their privacy," Aerion replied, turning to Jocelyn. "Have you seen a child in this city yet?"

"Now that you mention it... no, we haven't."

"This place is full of sorcerers, pyromancers, bloodmages, shadowbinders, worshippers of strange gods such as the Black Goat... in short, no practice in this city is forbidden, no matter how wicked it may be." Aerion stated indifferently, before smiling a little. "You know what they do to children here?"

"... Blood sacrifices?"

"Possibly." Aerion nodded, his eyes glowing with a tone of confidence. "You'll be safe next to me, however."

"I love the air of this city," Bellona spoke, chuckling. "It should be conquered now that you're here, no?"

"We're just visiting for the moment. At a later time, perhaps." Aerion replied.

Bellona glanced at Jocelyn, smiling. "I see."

"You see what?" Jocelyn Baratheon raised an eyebrow.

"The dragon hides his claws," Bellona replied, not directly stating the truth. "Anyways... young princess, is there anything you like here? I'll spoil you for today."

"Really... anything?" Jocelyn's blue eyes shined.

"Yes, you can have anything here." Bellona chuckled warmly. "Your betrothed is a very greedy man who only cares for himself, clearly, so I'll do this duty for him."

'Who told you to spoil my ward??'

Aerion's eyebrows twitched for a moment. "Jocelyn, you can get anything you want and I'll pay for it myself!"

"If you say so..." Jocelyn grinned, her walk turning into a stride as she moved from stall to stall, observing all of the goods that were on sale. She brought some dresses, a golden mask and all of the dragonglass in store... which would've more than erased all of Aerion's pocket money. Fortunately, all he had to perform was a few smiles and winks, haggling every price down to zero. In the case of men, he did a little blood possession and got his way.

Also, he didn't know the Asshai language so Bellona, who had the memories of Melisandre, proved to be a rather useful translator.

"You're rather cheap for the richest man in the known world." Jocelyn Baratheon remarked.

"If a rich man lucratively spends all of his wealth, then he will not be quite so rich for long." Aerion Targaryen replied, his violent eyes looking at the masked people of Asshai in an indifferent light.

"I don't know how to feel about robbing them like that, in truth... can't you give something back?"

"Give what back? These possessions are yours."

"Asshai is a port where people have to rely on food and freshwater from traders to survive because their own waters and animals are deformed. So... why not give them your blessing? They would all be grateful, I'm sure. Aaand you get to improve on your light magic at the same time. It's a win for both sides!"

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