Dire Situation For Robert

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Afterwards, the feast continued onwards. However, Aerion grew unamused as time passed and decided to move on after a few drinks. He left Jocelyn in Ser Arthur's care before getting loose and having some adventurous 'fun'. He ordered his Kingsguard to stay in the hall instead of guarding him. They were reluctant at first but Aerion convinced them with his silver tongue.

Arianne had already caught on as she followed him towards one of Sunspear's empty towers.

"Can you climb this tower, I wonder?"

"Is that a challenge?" Aerion smiled. "If so, there must be a reward tied to it... no?"

"We will see." Arianne's alluring expression did suggest many things. He knew that expression well.

"Or... I could take what I want now." Aerion pinned her onto the wall.

"Daring today, are we?" Arianne did not resist. In truth, being put into such a position only aroused her further. "Go on then... take me."

Aerion stepped away and shrugged as he liked a good challenge. He had always strived to be a better version of himself every single day, after all. Teasing Arianne was a plus as well.

"But, climbing this tower should not be too difficult even if my skills are a little rusty."

"I will be waiting then." Arianne, albeit slightly disappointed but still eager, opened the doors and walked inside of the tower.

Aerion walked towards the stone wall of the tower, realising that his feet weren't quite as steady as he had wished. He was not one to be afraid of anything, however, so he began to climb the tower one step at a time.

I should have not drunk so much wine...

He thought as one of his feet got loose from the wall temporarily. He willed it back onto the wall and continued to climb. Eventually, he got to the top and rolled himself onto the roof. He was quite exhausted thanks to the wine which made him climb more carefully and take longer.

But he made it which was all that mattered. He was satisfied, having climbed such a tower even while drunk.

"You never cease to amaze me, Aerion." Arianne looked over him. "I find it hard to believe that you remained faithful..."

"What makes you doubt me?" Aerion wondered.

"From all the cities that you visited, not a single woman caught your eye or moved towards you?"

"I had no time for such trivial matters. Ruling, conquering and working on my own ability was time-consuming enough."

Aerion decided to not mention the red priestess from before as he knew how fierce-tempered she could be regarding other women. She was more than willing to fight for him... no matter who it was. Except for family, they were the only exception.

"I see..."

Aerion gathered his strength and stood up, holding Arianne in his hands moments later. The moon was close to being full, shining upon the tower as if the Gods had moved it themselves for this very moment.

"The only time that I would lay with another woman would be if you were to find it acceptable. And you already know that I wouldn't lie to you about such matters. Anyway..." Aerion decided to move on from that subject. "After I am done here, I'd like to bring you to Essos. Returning to Sunspear often would be difficult and I don't wish for us to be separated for such a long period ever again... would you sail with me?"

"To the ends of the world, I would," Arianne stated. "You are mine and I am yours. Nothing in this world should separate us."

"Then it shall be so." Aerion smiled, tilting her head upwards with his left hand and pressing his lips against hers. His entire body surged with fire, a different kind of fire... not one of bloodlust, but one of passion as his right hand started to venture down.

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