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"Jaime, Oswell and Arthur... the call to war has come."

"Against who?" Jaime inquired, turning to face Aerion.

"The Usurper himself."

"So the fateful day has arrived." Arthur sighed. "We might not be able to resist him... not at this very moment, I believe."

"You worry too much, Ser Arthur. The royal navy of the Seven Kingdoms is only slightly stronger, if not equal, to ours which means that we are more than capable of repelling him. However, before doing so, we will be taking Myr to increase the size of my undead army to ensure victory."

"Even the thought of facing Robert no longer fazes you, my prince." Oswell chuckled. "If the Usurper does face an embarrassing loss, then we will have all the momentum to strike King's Landing."

"No, we will not be doing that," Aerion stated.

"Why not?" Jaime replied. "You will have a decent chance of taking King's Landing and the Iron Throne directly. Once it falls, the Targaryen loyalists will rise once more to assist House Targaryen."

"And how many will rise against me?" Aerion countered. "Hmm... House Baratheon, House Lannister, House Tully, House Stark and possibly House Arryn. Seeing the tides of war, House Tyrell may also join that list. I will only have a few houses along with only one great House against four to six other great houses."

"I have not forgotten my right as the King of the Seven Kingdoms but neither will I risk everything for a slight chance of becoming King."

"I suppose you have a point," Jaime admitted.

"You know of my ambitions." Aerion smiled. "The Seven Kingdoms will simply have to wait a few more years before I make my glorious return as an Emperor."

"An Emperor... you certainly do not lack ambition." Jaime smiled. "The Usurper can keep the Iron Throne warm until you return and defeat him with ease."

"He will put up a good fight... but I will be a far greater man by then. A man akin to God."

My magic has no limits, after all.


295 AC, two weeks later.

Aerion's forces landed on the port of Myr.

He looked towards the free city with a smile, knowing that it would soon be his. The undead stormed the port first, followed by his professional soldiers. There were very few combatants to face at the port so Aerion and his army made quick work of them.

From atop the walls, a group of well-dressed men appeared. "What is the meaning of this!?"

"Why," Aerion shrugged "This is my conquest of Myr. Do I need to explain?"

"No, no... you do not. We intended to invite you to the city days ago but it seems that you have already made your way here." One of the magisters laughed. "We, Myrmen, are not fools, my prince."

"That is most splendid to hear." Aerion smiled. "Open the walls and I will proclaim myself as the ruler of Myr."

"Ah, about that... perhaps we may come upon a bargain? I propose an alliance where we will financially support you in your future battles while also remaining independent from your rule. This can prove to be beneficial for both sides-"

Aerion laughed. "Independent... much like the Tyroshi, you are fools. Do you think that I, Aerion Targaryen, would allow for such an alliance to exist? You are inferior to me and I can conquer you at this very moment... why would I need an alliance?"

The Necromancer King (A Game Of Thrones)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora