Troublesome News

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Aerion found himself floating in the void of light once more as the ashes went away.

Such a tall wall along with the snow... it could only be the Wall.

"Do the Others still live?" Aerion inquired, wondering if the system would answer his question.

"They are believed to have gone extinct... but that is not the case."

The threat that emerges is far greater than any ordinary man...

Aerion recalled Melisandre's words which seemed to be connected to what he saw and the knowledge the system provided. After linking those three together, the truth became clear to him.

"So it was no mere dream."

"No, it was a Dragon Dream." The system added. "Ordinary dreams have no truth to them while Dragon Dreams speak of the future. A future that could not be denied... unless something unordinary happens. There was a man who denied his Dragon Dreams several times over, though you cannot compare yourself to him."

"The Great Other, Night's King or better known as the Night King will march south with his ever-growing army to end all life, starting with the wildlings north of the wall. The end... however, is left unclear."

"Do you know of his weakness?"

"He has no weakness... only strengths. The only weapon that he is vulnerable to in this world is magic equal to or greater than his own."

"Then how great is his magic?"

"His greatest strength is Cryomancy which is water magic focused around the aspect of ice. I will not specify the rank as it is something you will have to discover yourself."

"How helpful of you," Aerion remarked.

"Along with that, he wields Necromancy... which is his second greatest strength." The system added. "You needn't worry about him in the immediate future, though. I suggest that you focus on growing yourself for now."

Aerion nodded. "I'll do that."

After a brief moment of silence, Aerion made an inquiry. "What is my current state?"

"I have great news regarding that!" The system announced. "Your Aeromancy and Pyromancy have progressed to a new realm of power, ascending into the Master tier. You have gained the Rain of Fire and Tornado magic abilities as a result of this ascension, both of which are quite formidable. if used correctly, they can drastically turn the tides of a battle to your favour."

"Wonderful news, indeed." Aerion smiled. "Might you know where the other trial grounds are located?"

"Where the Doom hit hardest is one place."

"Old Valyria?"

"Yes, though I suggest you venture there on your own as everyone who travels with you will inevitably die. There are many rewards to be gained there along with a new type of magic. However, it is not a short trial nor an easy one."

So I should be prepared beforehand...

"Show my current state."

"As you wish, Dragon Prince."



Prince Aerion Targaryen

Born: 280 AC, the fall of the second moon.

Age: 15

Titles: The Rightful King, Dragon Prince of Tyrosh and Myr, Dragon of the Seas.

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