Brothers Reunited At Last

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31st day of the 2nd moon, 297 AC.

The Great Hall.

Following the end of the Great Tournament, it was the Dragon Emperor's seventeenth nameday; a grand occasion. Yet it was not the only grand occasion that day as he decided to finally have himself crowned as the Dragon Emperor of New Valyria. It was quite the title which included sovereignty over Westeros, all Nine Great Cities of Essos along with a strong claim to the rest of the Valyrian Freehold's lands. Every single lord and magister of significance had been invited to witness this momentous event.

No one was absent.

The High Septon stood at the foot of the Iron Throne, holding the Crown of Necromancy in his hands with the Kingsguard behind him. After the death of the previous... less trustworthy High Septon, this new High Septon had consistently preached the word of Aerion's divinity and 'truth' of him being blessed by the Seven. As a result, in the minds of simpler men, Aerion had slowly gained the image of the 'messiah' / 'incarnation of the Seven'. This was in the stead of being denounced as a devil child... quite the improvement, to say the least.

The Great Hall's entrance was slowly pushed open, from which a beautiful man strode forward in a regal manner. There was not a single stutter or pause in his footing... no, each was as perfect as the last. He only stopped when the High Septon was within arm's length, who simply kneeled and presented the Crown to him.

In most circumstances, it would be the King who would kneel and allow himself to be crowned - yet Aerion 'Stormcaller' of House Targaryen was simply different. It would simply be an insult for him to be crowned by a lesser man and so, he grabbed the Crown of Necromancy for himself and placed it onto his head.

Then he turned to the crowd, his brilliant crimson cape making a dramatic 'swoosh' noise.

"Almost fourteen years ago, I recall being reminded that I was the Rightful King by none other than Ser Jaime. At that time King's Landing was lost, my two siblings were slain, a new King had been named and we were on the run... it all seemed hopeless. Most of the Realm had turned its back on House Targaryen..."

"Most... except for the kingdom of Dorne." Aerion smiled as he looked at Doran, Oberyn, Arianne, his mother and many other Dornish faces he knew. "I would not be here if I was not shielded by its unyielding warriors, devastating desserts and ever so loyal lords. Yet, none of that would've even been a possibility without a single man's bravery."

"He is my greatest sword and shield, the man who saved my life more times than I could count. He is a man who risked everything for the greater good... his honour, his reputation and even his life. Without his sword cutting a path for a brighter future, the Mad King Aerys would've turned this city to rubble through wildfire."

"People call him Kingslayer and Oathbreaker when it was his sword that stopped the Mad King's orders of burning the city to the ground being carried out. As such, he should never again be mentioned in such a light - rather, he should be appreciated for saving so many lives. This man is, of course, none other than the Lord Commander of my Kingsguard... Ser Jaime Lannister!" Aerion drew Ambition and turned to Jaime Lannister. "Ser Jaime, kneel before me."

He nodded, not hesitating even for a moment. After he kneeled, Aerion placed his sword against Ser Jaime's left shoulder.

"After all of your hardships, loyalty and virtue... I only see it fitting to grant you the highest honour a Kingsguard and knight will ever receive. Ser Jaime Lannister, from henceforth, you will be known as the Knight of the Realm and the Sword of the Emperor. This title is the martial equivalent of the Dragon Emperor's Hand, granting you power over every subject beneath me."

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