The Last Khal

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When he opened his eyes, Aerion Targaryen found himself laying on a bed with the very same feathered harp in his arms. While to anyone else, it would be just a harp with some coloured feather's on them... to Aerion, it was the dear memory of his sister.

Along with the harp came a chest piece that had replaced his old one. Just like his World Sovereign's Boots, Soul King's Gauntlets and Crown of Necromancy... this chest piece had its own magic abilities.


Chaos Harbinger's Armour:

With this piece, you may draw magical power from all the dead around you to further yourself. Provides massive magic and physical resistance, protecting the whole body when combined with the Soul King's Gauntlets, World Sovereign's Boots and Crown Of Necromancy. Also, if any pieces are damaged, they can be restored through magic vitality. All actions regarding Necromancy are halved in magic vitality cost.


"Where am I?" He sat up, keeping the harp in his hand.

"The Gods know how kind I am to you. When you fell into a daze, the women snatched you up like hungry wolves presented with free meat. Fortunately, I took possession of the entire temple and made them take you to this sweet-smelling bedroom."

"Did you intend to have me for yourself?" Aerion jested, seeing all the red decorations that would bring out the feeling for lovemaking.

"Your blood, perhaps... but not the thing between your legs."

"My blood?" Aerion thought, suddenly thinking of something. "How vast is the difference between my blood and that of an ordinary person?"

"Extremely vast, like the ocean... would you blame me if I took a few samples in your sleep?" The spirit asked rather cheekily. "In truth, your blood has qualities that the blood of ordinary mortals simply does not."


"Well, naturally, High Valyrians have traces of magic within their blood. In your case, however, your entire body is overflowing with the purest form of magic. So... if I had a good supply of it, this Tome's seal would eventually break and I would be free. You'd be a little scared if that were to happen, wouldn't you?"

"The real question is if you'd be an ally or enemy," Aerion replied, raising an eyebrow. "Which would it be, my trusty book?"

"I would be your closest ally if you'd let me...~"

"Hmph..." Aerion healed his cut, put his gauntlet back on and stood up. "I have several plans as to how to 'clear' the Summer Isles. Firstly, to use my undead to force people to move out temporarily. Secondly, use your blood possession at a greater scale, possessing everyone. Thirdly..."

"Just kill them all and save yourself the trouble. Your navy is the vastest in all of the world yet an act of transporting EVERY person in the Summer Isles would still greatly cost you in many ways, including time, food and all the like. Think about it... do you wish to see the birth of your children or not? Do you want them to be his hostages too, whereby he would make more 'trade offers'?"

"..." Aerion suddenly stopped. "I hate him... and everything about him. If he was a true King, he'd stand his ground and face me instead of hiding behind those I love."

"Didn't you keep Princess Jocelyn for yourself after defeating Robert? Now you're simply on the receiving end..."


Knowing it to be true, he didn't say anymore.

"Get your servants to carry my belongings."

Drawing Ambition, Aerion stormed out of the bedroom and let its white blade sing shortly after... dying it red with a heavy heart.

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