Reap What They Sow

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"I think we might have broken the bed... a little."

"We? You treated that night like it was your last." Aerion chuckled.

"Don't lie... you did too."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and took their attention.

"My lord, you are sleeping longer than usual... did something go wrong?"

"No... I'm just enjoying the company of my wonderful wife. Come back a good while later and we'll leave you to your duties."

"As you wish, my lord."

"And how long is a while later?" Jocelyn asked, resting her head against his chest.

"As long as I want it to be." Aerion smiled, turning to kiss her. "No one will blame me for staying in this bedchamber."

"Mhm... but you really ought to get a better bed... I don't think this one's going to last." Jocelyn chuckled.

"Why don't we finish what we started first..."


They only broke their fast later into the afternoon, after which Aerion took the pleasure of sending off the visiting lords. He had received quite a few gifts from them, taking each with a graceful courtesy. After the guests were sent on their way, Harrenhal quietened considerably.

Later, the couple had a leisurely across the battlements.

"You know... I sometimes wonder what your grandsire would think of our union. I'd imagine his expression would be quite priceless."

"It would..." Aerion chuckled, shrugging slightly. "Either he'd be deeply disappointed with me or..."


"Or he would boast that it is the dragon that 'humbles' the Usurper's daughter in the bedchamber." Aerion shook his head. "Nothing in-between."

"... Quite the person."

"Mhm." Aerion nodded, looking towards the God's Eye. "Harrenhal... the castle where fire meets ice, twice it seems. I've never asked but what do you think of my gallant father?"

"I think as highly of him as you do... which is to say not high at all."

"I do... hate him for leaving my mother. I hate him for losing the Rebellion. I hate him for never being there for me... but he is still my father." Aerion recalled his experience in the trial of mind. "There is a world where he does succeed, a world where he is there... and a world where I loved him."

"You experienced it?"

"That was where I learned the harp." Aerion nodded. "It was one of the few times in my life that I was proud to say that Rhaegar Targaryen was my father. But... it was all an illusion."

"There is reality in even illusions."

"Yes... I suppose there is."


"Don't forget to take your moontea if you do get with child," Aerion instructed with a conflicted expression.

"What if a miracle does happen?"

"... I'd love to be hopeful again. But these are uncertain times." Aerion sighed, shaking his head. "You understand, don't you?"

Jocelyn reluctantly nodded.


With the wedding complete, Aerion heard news of a queen in Lys... which was unusual. There was never a queen who ruled over Lys which led him to believe that Bellona had taken Lys the Lovely for herself. Intrigued, Aerion gathered thirty ships with the best men from the Iron Isles for an expedition.

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