Dream Of Valyria

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"Ahh... I lost again." Trystane laughed. "You've gotten better than me within only a few weeks, Jocelyn."

Aerion, who had been observing the game of cyvasse, shook his head. "That is because you use the same strategy every time. Once someone realises this, beating you is fairly simple."

"The same strategy... really?"

"You place far too much focus on only a few pieces and continuously move them to the same places. To win consistently, all your pieces must be used effectively in response to your opponent's moves while also being organised for their own attack. If you grow reckless on the offensive side of the game, you will find yourself losing valuable pieces. Though... it isn't your fault as Arianne was the one to teach you this game."

"Hmph, what do you mean by that?" Arianne replied, slightly red.

"You tend to only use the dragon which inevitably results in its death." Aerion chuckled. "Perhaps I may teach Trys how to play properly... when I have the time."

"Elder brother... can't you teach me now?"

"I'm not your elder brother-"

Trystane smiled and looked at Aerion in a pleading manner. "Please..."

"Next time, I will. How about that?"

"And you will let me win this next game with some advice!" Trystane chuckled.

"Fine..." Aerion stood behind him. "I will guide you to victory."

"Hahahaha... I now have elder brother on my side! I will suffer no more defeats from today onwards."

"That's cheating!" Jocelyn refuted. "I might as well be playing Aerion."

Aerion laughed. "You can have Arianne give you advice. It's only fair..."

"Hmph... she's no good." Jocelyn shook her head.

"What did you say... you wilful child? Now, instead of lending you my hand, I will watch you suffer an embarrassing defeat."

"Not that I asked for it in the first place." Jocelyn shrugged.

"Patience wins games... and war, Trys." Aerion stated in a low tone.

In the first few turns, Trystane sacrificed a few lesser pieces to get the rest of his pieces in an overall better position. This was under the guidance of Aerion... although he didn't see how it would lead to victory. As the turns passed, Jocelyn found herself suffering devastating losses while Aerion lost very few pieces moving forward.

The game ended with her king surrounded by a dragon, Aerion's king and a crossbowman.

"Your king is as good as dead... I win." Aerion announced.

"Well, we win... right?" Trystane added. "So it is true. Together, we're invincible!"

"Indeed. I found your strategies very... insightful." Aerion nodded.

"And I thought that I was winning." Jocelyn sighed.

"Sacrifice is sometimes an essential part of victory." Aerion pat Trystane's shoulder before leaving his side. "I'm afraid that I will be away for quite some time."

"Can I come with you then?"

Aerion shook his head. "Sunspear is where you belong. Perhaps when you grow older, you can make the decision to leave yourself. But... for now, you will stay here as your father wishes. Do you understand?"

"I... understand."



Aerion prepared to sail away from Sunspear, knowing that he would be away for six months at the very least. So he wished to enjoy all it had to offer, from the various spices to its wine. His dinner was, indeed, quite spectacular that night. It was a fitting way to send off the Emperor.

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