King's Landing

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"System... is there a better method of strengthening my magic? A less destructive method, perhaps?"

"In the case of destructive-based magic such as Pyromancy and Aeromancy, you will have to continue using it in small and consistent bursts. Healing and Blood Magic have plenty of uses that are not destructive, the same case is with Necromancy."

"What of meditation?"

"It is a way of gathering the magic around you. It is a slow, yet beneficial process of increasing your magic vitality. The issue with your world, however, is that it has very little magic concentration... if any in certain places. Because of this, the method is not suggested. Unless... you have an object with its own magic with you."

"Which I do."

"The Tome of Hematomancy... be wary of it. The ambitious spirit within it is a mighty being capable of corrupting and... after some time, even possessing the user completely. However, if you manage to tame the spirit, then you will grow in magic ability at an extraordinary rate."

Aerion frowned as the information struck him.

"How likely is the latter?"

"In your current situation... it is unfavourable, even with your immense willpower put into account. More specifically, I've calculated that your chance of success is just about forty percent."

Aerion took note of the information before opening his eyes. After some thought, he stood up and grabbed the Tome of Hematomancy from his desk. The tome glowed with a luscious light once again, inviting him to use it.

He flipped it open and attempted to meditate for the first time.

His pride and lack of fear drove him to do so, accepting the Tome of Hematomancy as a trial of its own. Though, unfortunately, he had no idea how to absorb magic from a tome. It was then that the voice of the spirit spoke to him.

"To think that you would be this incapable... but I suppose that it would only be fair to reward you for providing me with a satisfactory amount of blood."

A stream of crimson magic was released from the tome and flowed into Aerion, adding to his magic vitality considerably within a short period of time.

"Is that all you have?" He wondered, bargaining for a little more.

"Mortals and their ever-growing greed..."

The spirit harshly rejected his request with a disappointed tone.


"As you seek more blood, I seek greater power," Aerion replied, smiling slightly. "... I find it quite hypocritical that someone with such an absurd thirst for blood labels me as greedy."

"... What good will mocking me do for you?"

"I would ask the same question to you. As the owner of the tome that you are restrained to, I don't believe insulting me is an excellent idea. I have the ability to burn the tome, throw it into the bottom of the sea or seal it underground... among many other things."

"However, if you do prove to be useful, obedient and loyal in the long-term, I won't have a reason to commit any of those acts. What do you think, spirit?"

"Go on... try to burn the tome. Better yet, throw it away. You will realise how hopeless your attempts at threatening me truly are."

'Is the spirit bluffing?'

"No, that is the truth." The system confirmed. "The tome will inevitably find itself in the hands of another if you put it away and it will remain unscathed from any attack that you may unleash."

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