A New Home

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Ser Arthur Dayne returned, with some rope which was intended for Eddard Stark.

"There is no need for that," Jaime stated. "He is a defeated man."

"I would not risk the prince's safety on a 'defeated man.'"

"I can defend myself against a single man, Ser Arthur. You may rest assured." Aerion smiled. "Besides, we do not need a restrained Eddard Stark as he will be riding north within a day."

"You are letting him go?" Ser Arthur looked at Eddard Stark for a moment.

"Yes... reluctantly. Keep him here until I return and give further instructions. Jaime, with me."

"As you wish."

Jaime smirked slightly as he looked at Oswell before turning around.

Aerion swiftly climbed the stairs of the Tower of Joy and entered once more. He went up to the higher floor and opened the door to where the child's crying originated from. Lyanna Stark laid on her bed, greatly fatigued from the days of carrying her child and giving birth to him.

Jaime observed silently and looked intrigued as he took the wrapped child into his arms. "A boy, my prince. A bastard who will bear the surname 'Sand'... nonetheless, as Lyanna never married."

"My son is not a... bastard. Rhaegar and I married before his birth."

Aerion frowned. "My foolish father and his naive maiden ran away in the name of love, ignoring all else and marrying despite the truth that she was already promised to Robert Baratheon before. My father was also married with two children and another on the way... in the end, he abandoned us for you."

"Do you have any idea as to what your irresponsible actions led to?" Aerion chuckled, although he was clearly furious. "No, of course, you don't. You only care about yourself."


Aerion's violet eyes glared into her very soul.

"Your, and my father's, actions led to Robert's Rebellion, where tens of thousands died. I had to run away from what I had known to be home for my entire life... surviving only because of my knight and mysterious use of magic. House Targaryen has fallen as a usurper now sits on the Iron Throne... more importantly..." Despite fighting against it, Aerion couldn't help it. Tears slowly fell as he let it all out. "My father... grandfather... twin sister... baby brother, who had barely lived for a year... they are all dead!!"

He wiped away his tears.

"All... for what?"

Lyanna Stark gave no reply as it would only light the prince's fire once more. Instead, she slowly closed her eyes.

"Perhaps it would be best if you leave the tower for some fresh air," Jaime stated.

Aerion composed himself before replying.

"No, I've had enough of it already. I want to see my half-brother."

Jamie nodded and placed the child into his hands. Aerion tapped his small nose first, observing the boy's response. As he grew calmer, so did the child. His crying had come to an abrupt pause and Aerion managed a smile.

"You are the only good thing to come from this."

But it was not worth it.

"Ser Jaime, bring Ser Arthur and Lord Eddard here. Leave my mother under the protection of Ser Oswell in case something does happen."

"Very well."


Three men entered the room, one by one. Aerion sat opposite to Lyanna Stark, holding his last and youngest sibling. Eddard immediately moved past the two knights and stood before Lyanna Stark.

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