The King Who Flew

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Arrows whistled back and forth from both sides, covering the radiant sun. Most men evaded or shielded themselves but others were not so fortunate. The first blood had been spilt... and it would not be the last.

Aerion watched Aegon's royal fleet was outnumbered by quite a significant amount. They were facing the fleet of an entire kingdom while Aegon's fleet was mostly comprised of Dragonstone's surrounding islands...

Soon enough, they were boarded by one of the Arryn ships. Men leapt onto their ship and engaged in combat. Aerion grinned... and was the first man up.

'Coming onto my ship was the worst act you could have committed.'

The soldier slashed first but his blade was easily deflected and countered with deadly effect, his chest being cut diagonally in half. Aerion proceeded onwards and chopped another's head off. A spearman charged him but he grabbed his spear with his right hand and pulled the soldier closer, driving Ambition right through his skull. Three men struck him at once now, but a single swing of Ambition shattered their blades... along with whatever ambitions they might have had.

Aerion continued his dance to terrifying effect, slaying all three before they could blink again.

"What in Seven Hells..."

Fear began to surge.

All those who Aerion had slain began to rise as Soul Knights, taking the side of their Lord. Terrified, the Arryn ship's morale began to completely collapse. Aerion's Soul Knights struck forth alongside their Lord, swiftly eliminating all opposition.

Aerion turned to his original ship, his long silver hair dancing with the wind as he looked down on every man.

"While they may have more ships, more men, more arrows and spears to throw... do you know what that fleet over there does not have. Do you know what the entire Kingdom of the Mountain of Vale could never hope to have, not even in thousands of years!?"

Everyone stood silent, admiring the view even in the midst of the chaos. His appearance and voice was like a dream... a dream that was hard to wake from.

"ME!" Aerion beat his chest before raising his sword to the sky. "I am Aerion Stormcaller... and I will bring every last one of you victory!"


Another ship boarded the original ship, not realising the danger of such an act.



This time, it was Aerion that lead the men... making the captain feel useless. But, he himself, couldn't help but step in line when Aerion charged forwards. Soul Knights and living men alike fought alongside Aerion, easily overwhelming the next ship. Aerion resurrected the fallen and proceeded onwards... growing his army through his fallen adversaries.

As the minutes and hours passed, Aerion's fleet completely overtook the field and joined with what remained of Aegon's fleet. Unfortunately, Daemon Velaryon hadn't survived this battle... leaving the leadership of the royal navy uncertain.

"If I mean to follow anyone into Gulltown, it would be this man!"

One of the lords pointed at Aerion.

"With mine own eyes, I saw this MAD MAN kill hundreds of men with his own sword."

"Aye... he brought the dead to life too, I saw it!"

"Even the dead fight for him!"

"I, Aerion, will take control of the royal fleet!" Aerion announced after hearing all the praise. "I swear to you all, Daemon Velaryon's death will not be in vain. He was a good man... aye, but to stand in sorrow would do his death great injustice. He died fighting for Aegon's dream, for the dream of a united Seven Kingdoms! For the dream of one true Kingdom!"

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