The Red Woman

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295 AC, King's Landing.

Robert slammed his first into the table of the Small Council chambers out of pure fury, damaging it as a result.

"I lost the battle, my brother, my reputation, my daughter, my fleet... and now this!"

Although any other man would groan in pain from the strike towards the table, Robert's fury had completely subsided the pain. There was only fire in his blue eyes... almost as bright as the moment when news of Lyanna Stark's abduction reached him many years ago. The Targaryen burn mark on his face also seemed to redden and glow to a degree.

"The Second Greyjoy Rebellion... all because of a single defeat. The Greyjoys will be able to do as they wish before the Reach's ships reach them and the smallfolk will begin to denounce me as their King, choosing the prince who they consider the 'rightful king'."

"I advised against facing the prince's navy, Your Grace, yet you did not hear me," Varys stated. Although he wished to say more in terms of criticisms, stating the faults of a furious Robert Baratheon was almost like asking for him to lash out to you... or worse. It was akin to asking for death, to be more precise.

Jon Arryn was the only person in the Small Council who could control Robert Baratheon and calm him to a degree. Apart from the Small Council, there was only Eddard and Lyanna Stark who could manage such a feat.

Robert sighed.

"All of you are to be dismissed for now. We will proceed with this Small Council meeting at a later date." Jon Arryn stated.

"Very well."

The three other members left soon after. While Aerion was storming King's Landing, they had hidden in one of the many tunnels within the Red Keep. Since he didn't care much for Robert's Small Council, Aerion did not search for them. These three members were Grand Maester Pycelle, Lord Petyr Baelish and Varys. The Master of Ships and the Master of Laws were not present as one was dead and the other, Renly Baratheon, was in Storm's End.

"All is not lost, Your Grace." Jon calmly stated. "The prince does not show great interest in the Seven Kingdoms at this current moment, apart from Dragonstone and the Kingdom of Dorne, which removes him from our current worries. However, ending this Greyjoy Rebellion will certainly be more difficult than the first time as..."

"Jon, Royal Navy or not, I will not bend to the Ironborn and give them their independence."

"You are the greater warrior, Your Grace, but do take a more cautious approach instead of wildly attacking the Iron Fleet like-"

"Balon Greyjoy is not Aerion Targaryen." Robert Baratheon fiercely countered. "If the Iron Fleet was to face his fleet, the dragonspawn would defeat him within a single day if not a couple of hours. But... I will heed your word, Jon."

"Send word to every House that their King has summoned their banners."

"Very well."

Robert touched the Targaryen mark on his face which only served to make him even more furious.

"I will bring the Ironborn before their Drowned God."

After that, Robert Baratheon had a new Warhammer forged for battle against the Second Greyjoy Rebellion.


295 AC, the City of Tyrosh.

Aerion sat in his study, continuing to learn the Dothraki tongue. Their customs were rather simple to understand as they favoured strength over anything else. The fiercest or strongest warrior of a khalasar would usually be the Khal as he was to deal with anyone who challenged his authority in single combat. Aerion planned to use this to his advantage but doing so now would only lead to undesired results. For one, he could barely speak the language which would make asserting his own authority very difficult. Secondly, he didn't have the combat prowess to face a truly great Khal without the use of his magic.

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