Unexpected Arrival

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After over ten intense tilts, Ser Oswell almost fell Ser Jaime which led to the latter taking the round more seriously. In the end, Ser Jaime's lance was true and dropped Ser Oswell, much to the crowd's pleasure. Despite being a controversial figure in the past and earning the dreaded titles of Kingslayer and Oathbreaker, Jaime is certainly popular now. This was mostly due to Aerion Targaryen's own influence, of course, who had long since pardoned the deed himself. Now that Aerion was the one who sat on the Iron Throne, this pardon was all the more prevalent.

"I'm both glad and dismayed at the thought of facing you in the finals... if I make it past Ser Barristan." Aerion Targaryen remarked as Jaime Lannister joined his side once more. "Of course, you'd have to win against Ser Arthur as well."

"Ser Arthur will be a difficult match..." Ser Jaime admitted. "But if I have you wishing for my victory, then it is all but guaranteed."

"You want me to cheer you on?"

"I would be more inclined to succeed, yes." Ser Jaime nodded, grinning as he did so. "Won't you?"

"I'll consider it."

"As I am blessed with greater strength, you may use magic to compensate, my Emperor." Jaime Lannister stated, providing ground for a fairer exchange if they did face each other. "It would only be fair."

"And what if I accidentally throw you into the Blackwater Bay with a small touch of wind?"

"Then I will have to make my journey back, naturally." Ser Jaime smiled.

"I see." Aerion chuckled and looked onwards to the next round.


"How are you enjoying the festivities, Lord Tywin?" Aerion Targaryen approached Tywin Lannister in his free time, observing his covered blind eye and fancy hat (which intentionally hid the mark of House Targaryen).

"They serve their purpose."

"Grumpy old man." Aerion Targaryen remarked, smiling slightly. "Are you rooting for me in the Grand Joust, I wonder?"

"You know the answer to that, Your Grace."

"Ser Jaime hasn't ever won a tourney before, has he?"

"Perhaps that has something to do with his long exile at your side, Your Grace. If not, he would've won plenty, I am sure."

"Sounds like you would've preferred the possibility of Jaime leaving me to die."

"An astute observation, Your Grace, though I will not state whether it is true or not. In truth, I'd rather my son spend his time on what is his true duty and not living as a glorified bodyguard. His actions against the Mad King would warrant the 'punishment' of being dismissed when Robert became King."

"Hahaha..." Aerion Targaryen couldn't help but laugh a little as he stood accused. "Trust me, I gave Jaime the option to be Lord of Casterly Rock plenty of times and he strongly objected to the notion every time. He doesn't want that burden, which I completely understand. I could force him to undertake that position, of course... but I would honestly rather have him at my side."

"And with you here, I won't need another Lord Paramount of the Westerlands. Jaime solved his own problem by giving me reason to spare you, it seems..."

"And what of succession?" Lord Tywin questioned. "Who will replace me after I die?"

"You will replace yourself when I resurrect you." Aerion Targaryen chuckled. "Though, I will always encourage Ser Jaime to find himself a good woman. Or will it be the Imp who lays the seeds of House Lannister?"

House Lannister becoming a house of dwarves certainly wasn't on Tywin Lannister's bucket list.

"... You love to mock me, don't you?"

The Necromancer King (A Game Of Thrones)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن