First Encounter

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"Pyke... I'd be more excited to see my home if I were you." Viserys remarked, looking at Asha Greyjoy's unmoving expression. "It has some wonder to it, I'll admit."

"Should I be excited to make my people work for you?"

"For the mighty Dragon Emperor, if that makes them feel any better." Viserys countered. "If he was Ironborn, you would all sing his praises. War is your predominant trade... and Aerion is the greatest warmonger of them all. Unfortunately, there aren't any nearby lands for the Ironborn to take in his name... so, we have to take a different approach."

"You have plenty of ships and sailing men, despite the loss of all the reavers which I can balance out with my own and Lord Tywin's men. These resources ought to be used properly, no?"

"Doing what, exactly?"

"Trading," Viserys replied simply. "The reputation of the Ironborn isn't the best for that, however, and that is precisely why I am here. The least reputable people accompanied by the respected, feared and regal banner of House Targaryen. There'll be plenty of silver and gold to go around, I'm sure, and it'll be a far more sustainable way of living for your people."

"... Hmph, that is not our way."

"But it will be." Viserys' violet eyes seemed to glow for a second.


"Pfft... THE bastard is a half-brother of mine?" Artos Baratheon glared at Jon Targaryen.

"Why don't you shut it if you don't have anything nice to say, older brother?" Jocelyn replied. "He didn't do anything wrong. In truth, he was the one who was wronged."

"..." The look on Catelyn Stark's face was priceless. All those years of berating 'Jon Snow' for being her husband's bastard all seemed so silly and foolish. Now, he had been elevated to a position that was only beneath Aerion Targaryen himself... even in terms of succession, he was right in line after the Dragon Emperor since he had no children of his own.

From a bastard to a trueborn prince...

"Mother... you really jumped to another ship when the other started sinking." Artos Baratheon couldn't help but voice his dislike. "It all worked out in the end, huh..."

"..." Lyanna Baratheon didn't quite have a counter for that.

"Shut up, brat and show some respect." Aerion turned to Artos Baratheon, not believing that he had to defend Lyanna of all people. However, this was a matter relating to his brother indirectly. "You wouldn't even be alive if Lyanna had remained a widow."

"... Hmph." Artos stood up and left the hall abruptly, not wishing to remain.

"Why did you never tell me?"

"Do you even need to ask that question?" Lyanna Baratheon's response to Robert was sharp if anything. "I should have told you why? So that you would take his life?"

"... Ugh, one dragonspawn was enough. Now there's another and he's your, my wife's, son... hahahaha, the Gods hate me too much." Robert Baratheon was angered by the truth that not only did Rhaegar Targaryen steal away his betrothed and her heart... he also left her with a son that she decided to protect. "My son was right, she jumps ship when the one she's on is sinking."

"And you're a faithful husband? Drinking and whoring every passing day like there was no tomorrow, before and after we were married? Remind me, how many bastards do you have?"

"What does that matter?"

"What does that matter? I'm your wife, you fool, and you've never done a single thing to change your nature. You're both a terrible husband and a father who only truly cares for his own pleasure. The truth is, Rhaegar was a more noble, proud and dutiful man than you'll ever be."

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