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Following that, Aerion called for Aegon to clear everything up. At first... he thought it would be quite difficult. But, after a few drinks, he realised that it would be a rather simple affair. At worst, he would have to use the power of Necromancy to make Aegon act according to his wishes.

"So... about Visenya."

"Go on."

Aerion blinked, followed by his eyes opening with greater clarity. He spoke his following words with an undaunting determination in his voice.

"I think it would be best if you set her aside."

"..." Aegon paused for a long moment, followed by a deep frown. The look in his deep purple eyes was hard to decipher... fury, thoughtfulness, regret? Even Aerion found it hard to tell.

"Is she... happier with you?"

"I wouldn't be saying that if she wasn't."

Aerion took a sip of his wine, although his eyes never left Aegon. An awkward silence swept through the room as neither said anything. They just stared into each other, waiting for the other to act—Aerion half-expected Aegon to draw Blackfyre against him.

"If you truly married Visenya solely out of duty, then allow me to relinquish you from that duty." Aerion broke the silence, subtly explaining his reasoning. "As her brother and a lover yourself, you should understand her wishes. Even if you object... she will take it upon herself to visit me. Would you prefer that, Aegon?"

"... You can't help yourself?"

Aerion's eyes narrowed. "Love is a most powerful thing."

Aegon sighed, looking away from Aerion.

"I never thought Visenya was the type of woman to fall in love. I suppose you did something I could not... or perhaps I did not try as much as I should have. Well, it does not matter now. If you promise to be good to her, I will have no quarrels and give her hand to you."

Aerion's eyes widened slightly as he looked upon Aegon with respect.

'It's not so simple to admit that.'

"Thank you for understanding." Aerion nodded, smiling toward Aegon. "While perfectly capable, I truly did not wish to take away your will."

"That would have made matter so much more simple for you... and yet you chose the more difficult path." Aegon remarked. "Enjoy yourself."

Aegon seemed almost sarcastic in his final say as he left.

'Was Visenya that unbearable for him?'


In King's Landing, Aerion met with Visenya where he informed her of what had occurred. Aegon had agreed to set aside Visenya and could now dedicate himself solely to Rhaenys, his true love. He would no longer have to endure Visenya's presence while she found her own happiness. It was a win for all sides, in truth.

"You said you were part vampire while your wives were not... which was the reason why you couldn't produce a healthy offspring?" Visenya inquired, frowning a little as she looked at Aerion.

"That is part of the equation, yes." Aerion nodded. "Even though I am living, I still have the blessing of fire and ice within my blood. Nothing short of a miracle would grant me a healthy offspring."

"But being a vampire would increase the likelihood of said miracle occurring?" Visenya questioned. "Among the many other benefits such as youth, greater physical prowess and enhanced senses? You insult your wives by not turning them."

"... I did not wish for my children to bear the same curse."

"What curse? You are comfortable enough with who you are. Feasting on a little blood is a small price to pay for all the advantages, as I see it."

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