Draco visibly shuttered, grasping desperately for her hand, if there was any color in his face before that it was gone now. Adelaide held tightly onto his hand as well, swallowing the cry that was sitting deeply in her throat.

Narcissa took a short breath, motioning for Addie to transfigure and Draco to prepare to apparate to King's Cross. As they arrived to the busy station Adelaide lightly followed Draco, avoiding being stepped on by anyone on the busy platform.

His mother kissed him goodbye, hugging him for a bit longer than necessary. She bent down and pet Adelaide's head, she could see the tears beginning to well up in her eyes before she looked up to Draco again, "Take care of her ok?" he nodded and she disapparated.

Draco looked down at Adelaide and awkwardly scooped her up, boarding the train. He set her down next to him on the seat and began putting his bags on the compartment shelves.

Pansy Parkinson was the first one to enter the compartment where Draco was, "Mind if I sit next to you?" she smiled.

Adelaide sat defensively in the seat, piercing her cat eyes into Pansy's soul. Draco scoffed, "Can't you see Lucia's sitting there? You can sit somewhere else."

Adelaide realized over the past weeks that when she transfigured, anytime she was remotely content she would automatically start purring. She affectionately rubbed her head on Draco's arm as Pansy wrinkled her nose, "You're seriously letting a cat take up an entire seat?"

Draco, growing defensive, "The cat is far better company."

Pansy huffed, of course, sitting directly across from him. Blaise shuffled in, sitting next to Pansy, eyeing Lucia curiously.

"Is that..Lucia?" he asked suspiciously.

Draco grew tense, "Yes. I took her after.." his voice trailed off as he stared out the window.

Adelaide felt so guilty, she forgot everyone knew about her and Draco's relationship from last year. They probably thought he knew about her being a Death Eater or was bewitched by her, either way it was probably humiliating.

Suddenly, the compartment filled with black smoke, Draco shot up from his seat staring around and everyone began to panic. Adelaide could see a cloaked outline wading through the black smoke, standing on the table and climbing up towards the bag rack over the table.

"It's okay boys, it's just a stupid prank. Come sit down Draco, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." Pansy cooed as Draco stared frantically around.

He glanced down at Adelaide suspiciously and made his way back to the seat.

"Hogwarts..what a pathetic excuse of a school. Think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I'd have to continue for another two years."

Pansy leaned in, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Draco smirked, "Let's just say I don't think I'll be wasting my time in Charms Class next year."

Adelaide, beginning to panic because someone was listening in, bit Draco's hand causing him to swear, "What the hell was that for?"

Blaise sniggered, causing Draco to snap his head up, "Amused Blaise? We'll see who's laughing in the end."

Adelaide bit him again, "What is your problem?" Draco growled.

Adelaide looked up towards the bag compartment and as Draco looked up, he saw one of the bags shift slightly.

Draco finally understood what was happening, he shut his mouth, staring out the window. Blaise fell asleep and Pansy sat silently with a longing expression towards Draco that made Adelaide infuriated.

Light in the DarknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora