She failed her task, the Dark Lord didn't trust her anymore, so he dragged Draco into it. He did this instead of killing her. It almost felt worse than death.

She whipped the cloak on, walking out of the coat room. She stared at Draco, why wasn't he talking to her?

Bellatrix smiled, "Alright, I'm going straight to the shop with Fenrir. Addie, you apparate Draco to Diagon Alley and meet up with Cissy."

She watched as the two disappeared into funnels of black smoke and she ripped her attention to Draco, now that they were alone, "What is going on Draco?"

He snapped, "She said to apparate me to Diagon Alley." a twinge of anger pierced his voice.

She looked at him sadly, the sting of his words sinking deeply into her heart.

"Weeks Addie. It's been weeks since you've gone missing. Didn't send any letters, didn't even show up once to check in. I had to go through my father's trial alone and deal with these Death Eaters in my house. But just poof gone and now with my father in Azkaban I have to deal with this."

He ripped up his sleeve and her heart plummeted, the Dark Mark was engraved on his arm, still red and irritated. It was fresh, two days at the most.

Adelaide's eyes filled up with tears and she whispered, "Draco..."

"I don't want to hear it Addie, let's just go and get this over with." he growled.

She didn't know what to do. He'd never been this angry with her before. How was she supposed to tell him that she sustained a severe injury that kept her unconscious for weeks and she went to Sebestyen for help? She felt her heart tear into two as she saw Draco's shell harden around her.

He wasn't supposed to act this way around her, this side of him didn't exist as far as Adelaide was concerned. She desperately wanted to apparate him anywhere but here, but with the Mark, there was no escape.

She grabbed his hand and they spun into their apparition, landing in Diagon Alley. Adelaide made sure she pulled the hood of her cape up to cover her face. She was slightly relieved that Draco didn't let go of her hand, but she could feel his grip was strong. He was trying to stop his hands from shaking.

They walked down the Alley and Adelaide stopped, feeling a sharp twist in her chest as she saw numerous amounts of wanted posters on the storefronts with her face plastered on it. Draco paused slightly, then pulled her hand, "We have to go Addie."

He let go of her hand as they spotted his mother. The three walked quickly down the Alley, praying no one would see them. For the most part, the alley was empty. A lot of the shops looked ransacked, all except a store Adelaide had never seen before.

It was bright and colorful, a stark contrast to the grey darkness that surrounded the rest of the street. She recognized the red headed wizard on the top of the store that took its hat on and off, she especially recognized the name of the shop, "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes"

She darted her head down quickly as she saw the Golden Trio walk out of the shop. Adelaide was the first to turn down Knockturn Alley, followed by Draco and Narcissa who looked behind them to ensure no one followed them.

Adelaide guided them down the dark winding cobblestone path. Once she approached the shop, she gently opened the door, stepping into the familiar place. It was just as she had remembered it, dark, open, ominous, seeping in Dark Magic. It was incredibly unfriendly to keep out stray witches or wizards who didn't know what they were doing or thought they wanted to dabble in Dark Arts for a bit of fun. There was no joking around in the shop, it was like a room filled with bombs that were begging to be activated.

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